Groundhog Day in Canada: who will have six more weeks of winter?

Every year, Canadians eagerly await to find out if their local rodent will spot his shadow in the time-honoured tradition of Groundhog Day. The question is, which groundhogs will prognosticate six more weeks of winter, and which ones will give Canadians hope that spring is just around the corner?

Sunny conditions in the winter are generally associated with colder, drier arctic air and cloudy days with milder, maritime air. Hence, if the fortune teller see his shadow, it must be a sunny day and therefore we are in for a longer winter.

Groundhog proponents argue the rodents are right 75 to 90 per cent of the time, but a Canadian study finds that number to be closer to 37 per cent. Here is what the rodents are saying for this year.

Shubenacadie Sam

Nova Scotia's favourite furry friend didn't see his shadow, promising East Coasters an early spring.

Punxsutawney Phil

While he isn't Canadian, he is arguably the most famous of all the groundhogs, so it's worth mentioning that this U.S. groundhog thinks that there will be six more weeks of winter in store for the United States.

Wiarton Willie

It's good news for Ontario, though: Willie didn't see his shadow, either, so Canadians are 2 for 2 when it comes to an early spring.

Fred la Marmotte

The rodent that hails from Val-d'Espoir, Quebec, doesn't have such a rosy forecast for Quebecers. Fred saw his shadow, so La Belle Provence will be in winter's grip for another six weeks.

Brandon Bob

Manitoba residents can rest easy. Brandon Bob saw no shadow, and spring will be headed your way soon.

Balzac Billy

The self-proclaimed Prairie Prognosticator just north of Calgary saw his shadow meaning the folks in Alberta should not put that winter coat away any time soon.

"Unfortunately when I awoke this morning and popped out of my burrow I saw my shadow which means we are in for six more weeks of winter!" reads Balzac Billy's website. "Luckily this winter has been pretty mild, so let's hope that's what we are in for!"

(Getty photo)