Librarian’s prank sends Lance Armstrong books to fiction section

Oh, snap! Even the librarians have had enough of Lance Armstrong's lies.

A librarian in Australia employed all of his bookish power last week to take a jab at the former cyclist. Visitors took notice when an employee typed out a note that said the Manly Library in Sydney was moving Armstrong's books to the fiction section.

ISBN numbers be damned! This library was making a statement against Armstrong after his recent confessions of doping during the years he earned seven Tour de France titles.

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As it turns out, the sign was a prank by a cheeky part-time employee. However, that didn't stop Twitter users from posting images and before long, it seemed the librarian had skewered Armstrong much like Saturday Night Live.

The library told the Sydney Morning Herald it was investigating the matter but it probably wouldn't fire the employee for his joke.

A spokesperson told the newspaper it couldn't reorganize any books unless the National Library officially re-categorized them.

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All the same, here's a lesson to beware a librarian's condemnation.