No one else could add up: student’s calculator prom date was romantic but predictable

Calculator is student's prom date. (tumblr/ishipitlikeups)

He was cool and calculating but surprisingly sweet.

A high school student's Tumblr blog has earned thousands of visits and comments after she posted pictures of her romantic, though programmable, date to the prom.

A blogger under the username I Ship it Like UPS posted that since no one had asked her to prom, she decided to take her calculator. In response, others requested pictures of the happy couple. And pictures they received.

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The TI-84 calculator wore a dashing tuxedo made of imported silk, according to one of her posts. He had a red bow tie and she says he brought her flowers.

She even received a mention in the principal's weekly email, according to an excerpt posted to the blog. He called the story "classic."

It's a nerdier version of last year's inanimate prom date story, when Rachel Bird took a cardboard cut-out of her football crush, Tim Tebow, as a date to her prom in Iowa.

Sure, the calculator's answers to questions were mathematically correct and his countenance a little stiff but who else had a prom date that could dance and plot a graph at the same time?

[ Related: High school senior makes prom special for autistic date ]

By that logic, this student and her online fans have concluded that her prom date was exponentially better than everyone else's nervous high school sweetheart.

Don't believe it? Do the math.