Norway’s police fired their guns twice in 2014, killing no one

Police in Norway fired their guns just twice last year

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Norway’s latest statistics has attracted international attention.

Last month, the government released data pertaining to the country’s police department and their use of guns in recent years.

According to the report, Police Threat or Use of Firearms 2002-2014, Norway’s police only fired two bullets over the entire year. There were no fatalities or wounded, either.

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Why is there such limited police violence in Norway?

According to the Washington Post, Norway has strict gun laws. It’s is just one of many European countries where most police officers patrol the streets without a pistol on their hip.

The report shows that Norwegian police officers threatened to draw their weapons 42 times in 2014.

“For the 10th time in 12 years, not a single person was killed by police gunfire in Norway in 2014,” the report stated. The last time someone was killed by police in the Nordic country was in 2006.

In 2011, terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, killed eight people in Olso and shot 69 people, including school children. The Norway police responded with only fired one shot, reported the RT.

The Washington Post complied data to compare Norway’s incidence of gun use with that in the United States. It found that more than 400 people have been shot and killed by police this year alone.