Toilet tourism? South Korea’s toilet theme park a flushing success

The Toilet Theme Park in South Korea.

Exit toilet humour, enter toilet tourism.

South Korea may have started a new industry with its recent opening of a toilet theme park. The Restroom Cultural Park in the city of Suwon pays homage to sacred time spent in the bathroom.

The park's creation was inspired by a former mayor of Suwon who was known as Mr. Toilet. They weren't mocking him. No, Mr. Toilet, otherwise known as Sim Jae-duck, made a lifelong passion of improving South Korea's toilet system and for that he's held in high esteem.

Despite the serious message, even a staff member at the park couldn't help laughing while telling the BBC about 'toilet culture.'

Mr. Toilet's legacy will make children and adults alike giggle for years. Bronze statues leading up to the building depict calm-looking people with their pants down. One picture taken at the park shows children making silly faces while squatting over a display.

Jae-duck also created the World Toilet Association, dedicated to improving sanitation worldwide.

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He built a toilet-shaped house, which is now the main building for the cultural park complex. Inside, you'll find bathroom artwork, historical pictures and the original toilet from when Sim Jae-duck lived in the house before his death in 2009. Visitors are welcome to use his bathroom.

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