Student’s ‘Mad Max’ wheelchair cosplay steals convention


Benjamin Carpenter took to the floor of the Tampa Bay Comic Con this past weekend and impressed convention goers with his spot-on rendition of Tom Hardy’s character in “Mad Max.”

The Mighty reports that was Carpenter was born with spinal muscular atrophy and that his cosplay made the front page of Reddit on Thursday.

Carpenter told The Mighty that his love for “Mad Max” and admiration of other disabled cosplayers inspired him to create his own costume.

The wheel chair is a modded Permobil C500 standing chair, according to Carpenter, with attachments which help it tow the rear cart with a passenger.

“I am utterly speechless at how this cosplay has been spread, and honestly, all I can say is thank you for making this SO SHINY AND CHROME!” Carpenter posted in the Reddit thread.