When no one’s looking, Tanya the tigeress makes giant snowballs

Keepers at Kaliningrad Zoo were stumped: who was heaving giant snowballs into the tiger enclosure after hours?

Turns out, the impressive snowballs were the work of Tanya the tiger herself.

Security cameras caught the cat in the act.

"One morning, zoologists came to work and found snowballs in Tanya’s cage. Naturally, no one thought that the tigress was able to make them by herself. Zoologists decided that someone joked and threw large snowballs into the cage, but one evening she was caught," zoo spokesperson Ekaterina Mikhailova told the Siberian Times.

"Our staff noticed it three years ago. They say that she doesn’t like making snowballs in the daylight, prefers doing this at night," added zoo director Svetlana Sokolova.

When no one is around, the tigress diligently goes to work gathering snow, rolling it from one side of her enclosure to another until it forms a large ball. She then starts work on another.

If only she knew how to pile her snowballs into a snowman.

Earlier this month, Bao Bao the 16-month-old panda cub played in the snow for the first time at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo.

Watch the cute panda tumble in the snow after a snowfall below.


Ferrets like to play in the snow, too!


Does your pet get excited over a fresh blanket of snow?