Calgary Mayor Nenshi challenges Toronto’s Ford to Grey Cup bet

Was Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi intentionally trolling Rob Ford when he proposed a Grey Cup bet with the Toronto mayor?

Nenshi challenged his Toronto counterpart to a Grey Cup wager that would see the loser donate his body weight in food to a food bank of the winner's choice.

Nenshi proposed the bet on Twitter early Monday, after the Calgary Stampeders secured a place in the 100th Grey Cup Championship against the Toronto Argonauts.

Naheed Nenshi@nenshi tweeted:

The loser donating their weight in food to the winner's food bank. Plus jersey swap for a council mtg. What say you, @tomayorford? #mayorbet

Ford accepted the bet later Monday morning, tweeting a little smack talk back at Nenshi.

Ford ran a very public and ultimately futile weight loss campaign earlier this year. At last public count, Ford weighed 313 pounds — 17 pounds less that his starting weight but 33 pounds shy of his target.

Ford discussed his weight last week, telling reporters he was bullied about being overweight as a child.

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"When you're overweight like I've been my whole life, you're being made fun of," said Ford, according to CBC. "It's not good growing up. There's many different types of bullying, but being called fat and all that stuff, it bothers you."

It is likely Nenshi did not mean to stir up criticism with his friendly wager, but Twitter users jumped on the chance, suggesting the cities swap mayors or taking jabs at Ford's history of missing meetings to coach high school football.

Paul Vermeersch@PaulVermeersch tweeted:

If the Stamps win, Rob Ford has to wear a Stampeders jersey whenever he skips council meetings to coach football. #mayorbet

Olympic gold-medal-winning kayaker Adam van Koeverden also took the bet as a chance to attack Ford, tweeting:

Adam van Koeverden@vankayak:

How about the winner gets a real mayor!? @nenshi We've got nothing to lose in TO... @tomayorford #mayorbet

Wagers between city mayors have become a bit of a tradition ahead of the Grey Cup. Last year, Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz had to present Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson with a basket of made-in-Manitoba goods, donate $360 to youth sport and stand on a Vancouver street corner wearing a B.C. Lions jersey.

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In 2010, Regina mayor Pat Fiacco was forced to wear an Alouettes jersey during a council meeting after losing a bet to the mayor of Montreal.