Doughnut cheeseburger to be this year’s wacky, calorie-riddled treat at CNE

Previous CNE treats like deep-fried Coca-Cola and pizza on a stick may not seem healthy, but they are like a salad compared to this year's wacky snack - a doughnut cheeseburger.

The 1,500-calorie meal is a burger with cheddar cheese, lettuce and tomato with two original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts as the bun.

By comparison, a double Big Mac has 700 calories and the Double Down has 540 calories.

"I've tried all the burgers we offer and . . . this is something in a league of its own," said Epic spokesman Justin Davis in a Toronto Star article.

Epic Burgers and Waffles is the Toronto-based company behind the creation.

"I think there's a certain part of us that's a little more naughty and wants to try something more adventurous."

Epic also brought the Behemoth, a burger patty between two Texas-style grilled cheese sandwiches, to the CNE last year.

The doughnut cheeseburger received rave reviews at this summer's Calgary Stampede and will make its Toronto debut at the Canadian National Exhibition, which opens Aug. 19.

The basic burger is eight dollars and for an extra two dollars the sandwich can be topped off with a fried egg and bacon.

Davis tells the Star, "You know it's bad for you, but you just can't stop."

(Photo from Epic Burgers and Waffles Facebook page)