Ottawa police on hunt for robbery suspect who smelled of ‘kitchen grease’

Here's a new one: Ottawa police are looking for a robbery suspect with a medium build, grey hair and beard and the distinct odor of kitchen grease.

The Ottawa Police Service Robbery Unit released details on Thursday of an early-morning robbery, in which a lone suspect entered a Mac's Milk convenience store, brandished a knife and made off with cash, cigarettes and lighters.

The suspect's description:

The suspect is described as being a Caucasian male, 50-55 years of age, 5'5"(165 cm), medium build, grey hair, salt & pepper beard. He was wearing a baseball cap, a blue shirt and jeans. (see attached image) The suspect possibly smelled of kitchen grease.

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Releasing physical descriptions of suspects, including clothes and facial features or even scars and tattoos, is pretty common when it comes to police manhunts. But being able to provide a description of the suspect's odor as well? That is a new one to me.

"That's him, officer. I would recognize that stench anywhere."

Mental note for future criminals: Don't rob a corner store after working eight hard hours in front of a restaurant deep fryer.

Anyone with information about the robbery can contact Ottawa police at 613-236-1222, ext. 5116.

[ h/t @Meghan_Hurley ]

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