97-year-old woman get license back so she can drive friend to grocery store

97-year-old Evelyn got her driver's license back so she could drive her friend Joyce to the grocery store.

"We're asked to love our neighbour, be a friend. That will give you joy."

In a video posted by the storytelling site I Like Giving, 97-year-old Evelyn shares her determination to keep a promise to her friend, Joyce: to drive her to the grocery store every week.

Evelyn and Joyce live in the same retirement community. When public transportation routes changed, the community was left with no access to buses and Joyce had no way of getting around. So Evelyn offered her a weekly ride to the supermarket.

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When Evelyn, who had a perfect driving record, lost her driver's license — "because somebody thought I was too old," she said — she immediately reapplied for it and passed each required test.

"I obey the rules, so I went to get it back," she said matter-of-factly.

"I’m on the Earth, I’m here and if I can contribute I should. Shouldn’t we all? And not just think of ourselves?" she asked. "Like I said, I don’t have money to give, but I can give myself, my time."