Couple doubles family after taking in dying friend’s four daughters

Ruffino family

In fulfilling a dying wish to a family friend, a New York couple has doubled the size of their family after adopting their late friend’s four daughters.

When Laura Ruffino’s best friend Elizabeth Diamond was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer in the summer of 2014, the two had a life-altering conversation:

“She said if anything ever happens to me, I want you to take my girls and I instantly said okay,” Laura Ruffino told 7 Eyewitness News.

When Diamond, 40, passed away in April of this year, the Ruffino’s family was changed forever when they welcomed the four girls into their home – leaving them now with six children.

“Ten years ago I didn’t think this would be my life. But if something gets thrown at you just accept the challenge and do the best you can,” Laura’s husband, Rico said.

In an attempt to combat the upcoming challenges, the family set up a YouCaring page to ask for support as they are receiving “no financial child support to accommodate this quick expansion.”

“If you know the Ruffino family, you know their big hearts and cherish their beautiful souls,” the page reads.

The couple plans to turn their garage into two bedrooms, and hopes to allocate whatever money they have left over towards everyday living expenses.

“The girls are growing so quickly and keeping them dressed, fed, and in their dance classes and such, anyone can imagine how this can create financial stress,” the page reads. “Don’t let the cute little bodies trick you; these girls can eat!”

So far, just over $48,000 has been donated, leaving them just shy of being halfway of their $100,000 goal.

When the page began to receive a flood of support from all corners of the globe, Laura took the time to express her gratitude.

“We have read every single word of hope and encouragement and we are in awe,” she wrote. “Thanks [to] each and every one of you!”

“[We] can promise you any donation is appreciated and will be spent on helping this family be able to do what they love: live, laugh, love and of course pay-it-forward!”