Eagle, fox and cat hang out together in Alaska

It sounds like the opening line of a joke: An eagle, a fox and a cat are sitting on a porch….

In Unalaska, Alaska, YouTube user pla1554alaska captured that very scene, claiming that peace between species tends to be the norm in her area:

"See how the fox, eagle and cat are all just fine hanging out and no one is trying to attack anyone and they are getting along just fine? Notice the eagle in the background on the lamp post down by the street. That is the partner to this eagle. They aren't always out to attack and kill each other. Our fox and eagles and cats basically get along just fine here. Sometimes if there is food they might fight over the food some," she wrote.

Watch the cuteness below.

After watching the gone-viral video, The Stir's Jacqueline Burt concluded that if this odd combination of critters can get along, we all should be able to:

"The rest of us can definitely learn a lesson from these creatures and their accepting, tolerant ways."