City of Regina deposits $576K in property tax cheques by mistake

The City of Regina says it accidentally double dipped when depositing a batch of 90 property tax payments last month.

$576,000 worth of cheques were scanned twice on June 22 by an employee.

"As soon as we identified the error and made sure there was nothing else that had happened, [we] made sure there was no personal banking information that was compromised," said June Schultz, director of finance for the City of Regina.

The error was caught through the city's verification system and the taxpayers were refunded their money on June 30.

"I believe this was an honest mistake," said Schultz.

The city said it did not receive any complaints from customers, and it contacted those that were affected as soon as it realized the mistake.

"What we are going to do is take a look at the policies and procedures just to verify that we have all the policies and procedures in place to limit the possibility of this happening in future," said Schultz.

Property taxes were due at the end of last month.