Hard winter hits church coffers

Hard winter hits church coffers

Some P.E.I. churches are having financial troubles after this year's long, harsh winter.

High heating costs and extra snow removal cost some churches thousands of dollars. In addition, low attendance on stormy Sundays meant less money on the collection plates.

Reverend Paula Hamilton, a co-minister at St. Mark's Presbyterian Church in Charlottetown, said just a few cancelled services can have a big impact on a church's yearly budget.

"We hope for about [$]2500, [$]2600 a week to meet the budget, so when you lose a Sunday, you're already behind that amount," said Hamilton.

"If you lose two Sundays, suddenly that's $5,000 you're behind."

Hamilton said her church hopes to offset the extra costs by renting out some of its facilities. It's encouraging regular parishioners to donate more at services throughout the summer.