Kids author Kit Pearson wins B.C. award for literary excellence

Canadian writer Kit Pearson, the veteran author of acclaimed novels, fantasy tales and historical stories for young adults, is the latest recipient of the British Columbia Lieutenant Governor's Award for Literary Excellence.

Born in Edmonton and raised in that city as well as Vancouver, Pearson studied in Alberta, B.C. and in Boston. After working for a decade as a children's librarian in Ontario and B.C., she moved on to writing full-time and has published books for young readers for three decades.

Her extensive research, cross-country subject matter, finely crafted narration and prose have garnered her a host of Canadian literary honours, including the Governor General's Literary Award, from adult juries.

However, the jury noted, young fans themselves have also lauded the authenticity and resonance of her writing — which typically features kids who are flawed, sometimes unlikable, complicated and real — by choosing her books to receive prizes such as the Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children's Book Awards.

"[Having co-founded a group uniting B.C.'s children's authors and illustrators,] Kit is a generous member of the children's writing community," the three-member jury (comprising author Sarah Ellis, CBC producer Sheila Peacock and Munro's Books manager Jessica Walker) said in a statement.

"She credits reading L.M. Montgomery's Emily of New Moon as an inspiration for becoming a writer. She passes the tradition along. Who knows what young apprentice writer is reading one of Kit Pearson’s books right at this moment?"

Pearson's books — which include Awake and Dreaming, The Guests of War Trilogy, The Whole Truth and The Daring Game — have been published in countries around the globe, in both English and French.

Now based in Victoria, Pearson will receive the $5,000 award during the 30th annual BC Book Prizes gala, led by B.C. Lieutenant Govenor Judith Guichon, in Vancouver on May 3.