Taylor Swift Reveals the Secret to Her Post-Workout Glow

Most people get a post-workout glow but Taylor Swift takes radiance after a sweat-session to the next level.  Unlike others who after a fitness session just throw some water on their face and a swipe of deodorant before going outside, Swift exits the gym like she’s runway-ready, leaving no physical evidence — not even a strand of hair out of place! — of strenuous activity. Her appearance in paparazzi photos has left many envious (but mostly confused) of how the pop star achieves such  a well-groomed look after exercising.

"My hair is short now and it’s a lot easier. You just brush it," the four-time Grammy Award winner told Seth Meyers when he questioned her oh-so-pretty post-gym photos. That is how everyone looks when they come out of the gym,” Swift retorted on the August 14th episode of NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers. “I like to bring a change of clothes, okay?!”

While she insists it’s not “like an extra hour at the gym,” she certainly must pack a massive bag. And as the “Late Night” host points out, Swift probably takes up a lot of space in the locker room to look that immaculate.  

Perhaps the singer will share even more of her secrets tonight! Check out her Yahoo Worldwide Live Stream at 5:00 PM EDT.