Toronto Maker Faire, a creative success

This is a fun weekend for inventors and do-it-yourself techies in Toronto.

Inventors, technology buffs and artists will gather at Toronto Mini Maker Faire for two days this weekend.

It's a chance for inventors and designers to not only show off what they've made but also share with others how they made it.

Toronto Mini Maker Faire is part of a bigger Maker movement –- which is basically the technological version of all things DIY.

"A maker, you can think of in a really broad sense, it's anybody who does something with their hands," said Eric Boyd of the Toronto Maker Faire.

Maker Faires started in California seven years ago and are now held around the world.

Boyd says that the festival is a place where makers can share and learn.

"It's an opportunity to learn and network with each other," he said.

Toronto first is so far a hit, with more than 2,000 tickets being bought in advance.

Peter Gray is a technician and also one of those ticket holders.

Gray brought his kids to the festival so they could experience hands-on technology.

"It's one thing to watch a YouTube video or talk about it, but they've never seen a 3D printer," he said.

And so far 3D printer designers did not disappoint.

A group of graduates from the University of Waterloo brought a twist to the printers, instead of using layers of plastic to create solid figures, their creation used chocolate powder instead.

"I think the draw is just seeing the young people here, you get to inspire people and show off what you've done," said Andy Vopni from the University of Waterloo.