Vancouver police warn of fake fireman possibly casing homes

Vancouver police warn of fake fireman possibly casing homes

Vancouver police are warning of a man pretending to be with the fire department and asking for access to people's homes.

Police urge people to refuse access to "fake" emergency officials and demand verification.

"If a firefighter shows up at your door asking to enter your home, ask for proper identification," says Const. Brian Montague. "If you still have concerns, call 311 to confirm who they are."

A man knocked on the door of an East Vancouver home on July 27 at 35th Avenue and Main Street. Police say he told the homeowner that he was with the Vancouver Fire Department and needed to conduct safety inspections looking for fire hazards.

The man requested access to all entrances, exits and bedrooms in the house. The homeowner refused, but later in the day a relative did escort the strange man through the home.

Acting on suspicion, the homeowner called city hall the next day and learned that no fire department officials conduct safety inspections of private homes unless requested in advance by the homeowner.

Police suspect the man was looking for an opportunity to steal or was casing the house.

The fake fireman wore a blue t-shirt with a logo that read: Fire Department. He was white, over 6 feet tall and average build.