1 new COVID-19 death confirmed in Windsor-Essex on Wednesday

One new death associated with COVID-19 was confirmed in Windsor-Essex on Wednesday. (Mike Evans/CBC - image credit)
One new death associated with COVID-19 was confirmed in Windsor-Essex on Wednesday. (Mike Evans/CBC - image credit)

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) confirmed one new death associated with COVID-19, and 98 new high-risk cases of the virus, in its service area on Wednesday.

The death is a man in his 60s in the community, the WECHU said; there have now been 588 deaths related to the virus in Windsor-Essex since the pandemic began.

The new cases bring the total of confirmed, active high-risk cases of the virus in Windsor-Essex to 311, the WECHU said.

Thirty people are in hospital, and two are in the ICU.

There are five active COVID-19 outbreaks in Windsor-Essex: three in retirement homes or long-term care facilities, and two community outbreaks, the WECHU said.