The 2024 presidential race in 2022: What to know about Trump, DeSantis, Pence and Biden

WASHINGTON – The final days of the 2022 congressional elections feature previews of a coming attraction: the 2024 presidential campaign.

Former President Donald Trump is on the campaign trail, as are potential Republican primary challengers Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence – and so is President Joe Biden, who is studying a reelection bid in 2024.

Right now, associates of Trump said they expect the former president to announce his 2024 candidacy shortly after this Election Day but cautioned that the timing is up to him.

A brief rundown:

Trump and the fate of the Senate

The former president's last-week campaign swing takes him to Iowa, Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio – all states with major roles in the battle for party control of the Senate and in a potential Trump 2024 presidential campaign he has hinted about throughout the 2022 campaign cycle.

"I will probably have to do it again," Trump told supporters during a recent rally in Texas.

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In two state races that could decide the national fate of the Senate, Trump stumps for candidates he endorsed during Republican primaries and who now face tough general election races: J.D. Vance in Ohio and Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania.

In Iowa, Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley is facing a tougher-than-expected contest; the state is also likely to host the delegate selection contest of the 2024 presidential race, even as Democrats consider pushing back the Iowa caucuses in their process.

Trump will also stump in his home state of Florida, where incumbent Republican Sen. Marco Rubio faces a challenge against Democrat Rep. Val Demings.

President Donald Trump stands behind Ron DeSantis, then-candidate for governor of Florida, as he speaks at a rally, on Nov. 3, 2018, in Pensacola, Fla.
President Donald Trump stands behind Ron DeSantis, then-candidate for governor of Florida, as he speaks at a rally, on Nov. 3, 2018, in Pensacola, Fla.

One Florida candidate who is not expected to appear with Trump: DeSantis, another potential 2020 Republican candidate.

Beyond the midterm election, a 2024 Trump presidential bid faces obstacles. He is under investigation in Atlanta and Washington, D.C., over efforts to overturn the 2020 election, the insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021, and the removal of classified documents as he left the White House.

There is also evidence that Trump is losing some altitude with Republicans. A recent USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll said that only 56% of GOP voters want Trump to run again, down from 60% support in July.

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DeSantis in Florida

The governor of Florida is scheduled to stay in Florida for the final days of the midterms, pursuing his reelection bid against Democratic challenger Charlie Crist.

Throughout the election season, DeSantis has flown off and campaigned for Republican candidates in battleground states like Arizona, Ohio and Wisconsin – just the kind of thing aspiring presidential candidates do.

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Trump is reportedly mad at DeSantis' presidential campaign-type moves and has never formally endorsed the governor for reelection – not that DeSantis appears to have asked him to.

Pence on the trail

The closing days of the midterm campaign also feature a prominent former Trump aide who is thinking of seeking the White House himself: Pence, the former vice president.

Pence campaigned recently in Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia. He is scheduled to be in Michigan on the Friday before Election Day, and, like the other presidential possibles, could add campaign or media events.

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The former vice president also has a fixed post-election plan: a book tour. His political memoir, entitled "So Help Me God," is scheduled to be published on Nov. 15, a week after Election Day.

A gaggle of other Republicans

The 2022 midterms also feature a gaggle of potential longshot Republican candidates who pop up on the campaign trail, social media and television news programs.

That group ranges from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., a runner-up to Trump in the 2016 Republican presidential race; to former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, also a 2016 candidate; to Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the only Black Republican in the Senate. Republican senators Rick Scott of Florida and Tom Cotton of Arkansas are also potential 2024 candidates who have been on the midterm stump in 2022.

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Another South Carolinian, former governor and U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, has done midterm work in connection with a book tour. Her book is called "If You Want Something Done: Leadership Lessons from Bold Women." She also plans to travel to Georgia, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has a book coming out in January. It is called "Never Give an Inch: Fighting for the America I Love."

Biden in 2022 (and 2024?)

Whatever their differences, Trump and other Republican presidential candidates can be counted on to attack Biden – assuming he will run again in 2024.

The president turns 80 years old on Nov. 20. Some Democrats have suggested that he side-step the 2024 election – calls that could escalate if the Democrats fare poorly in the midterms.

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Biden says he is healthy and eager to run again, especially if Trump is the opponent.

Even so, potential successors like Vice President Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg have also been working the midterms.

Meanwhile, Biden is scheduled to campaign in New Mexico, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Maryland. In Pennsylvania, he will appear with former President Barack Obama on behalf of Senate candidate John Fetterman, who is locked in a tight race with Oz that could decide majority control of the Senate.

During a Tuesday trip to Florida, Biden took aim at the Republicans in general: “This election is not a referendum. It’s a choice. It’s a choice between two vastly different visions for America."

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: From 2022 to 2024: Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Joe Biden