29 Idiotic Things I Can't Believe People Actually Had The Confidence To Post Online This Month
1.This person, who thought Romeo and Juliet was real history:
2.This person, who forgot that not only is May Military Appreciation Month, but that there are four military-related appreciation months and numerous holidays:
3.This person, who claimed there is no American accent:
4.This person, who claimed "all of Europe is the size of Texas":
5.This person, who stupidly made the racist claim that white people don't steal...forgetting about the MASSIVE amount of stealing white people have historically done:
6.This person, who tried to claim no Christian ever killed someone because of their Christian beliefs (forgetting the Reconquista, the Spanish Inquisition, the Conquistadors, etc.):
7.This person, who claimed France is younger than the US:
8.This person, who claimed South Africa is a continent:
9.This person, who thought a trinity meant a "solid group of people," regardless of the number:
10.This person, who corrected someone's (correct) use of "to":
11.This person, who didn't understand the difference between weather and climate:
12.This person, who just learned a quarter of an hour means 15 minutes:
13.These two people, who tried to out-idiot each other:
14.This person, who made an absolutely unhinged claim:
15.This ridiculously uninformed person:
16.Along with this one:
17.And this one:
18.This Trump supporter:
19.This conspiracy theorist:
20.This person, who did not recognize their own state's flag:
21.This person, who claimed the Ancient Greeks didn't have same-sex relationships...and that they were Christian:
22.This person, who made a wildly unsafe claim:
23.This person, who claimed that Brazilian and Mexican people speak the same language and have similar cultures:
24.This person, who claimed men's hobbies are only to attract women:
25.This person, who asked a head-scratching question:
26.This person, who argued dating Taylor Swift makes Travis Kelce gay(??):
27.This awful parent, who gave their kid raw chicken and encourages others to do the same:
28.This poor soul who didn't seem to know the difference between "anesthetize" and "euthanize":
29.And finally, this George R. R. Martin fan, who didn't seem to be a fan at all:
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