5 things you should know about Dufferin County council’s upcoming meeting

On June 13, Dufferin County council will be meeting for regular housekeeping updates as well as making discussions on larger county projects.

1. Road updates

Council will be discussing multiple road-related topics, including road needs study, a road safety discussion, upcoming road projects funded by capital works and more on the Shelburne bypass.

2. Homelessness Prevention Program Update

Funding, AMO delegation and delivering housing services will be brought up during this topic. They will also be talking about overall housing strategies and how to administrate them.

3. National Housing Strategy

Details will be provided on the pause in funding for social housing supports and the health and human services committee requesting council to pass a motion to continue funding. They are looking to find ways to end the national housing crisis.

4. What to do with county-owned land

Council will be presented with a proposal from Grey-Dufferin Community Pasture about turning county-owned land, 195594 and 195620 Amaranth-Grand Valley Townline, into grasslands.

5. Transportation Master Plan update

This discussion will primarily be seeking endorsement for a specific Shelburne bypass route to advance the project.

Rebecca Weston, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Orangeville Banner