5 wounded in shooting at Meadowview apartments. Sacramento police searching for gunman

A shooting on Memorial Day wounded five people, including a teenager, at a Meadowview neighborhood apartment complex, Sacramento police said.

Officers were alerted about 8 p.m. Monday of gunfire breaking out amid a large group of people who gathered at Villa Jardin and Coral Gables Apartments, an affordable housing complex bordering Coral Gables Court, according to archived audio dispatches. The location is across from Genesis Church.

The age of the victims ranged from a person in their 40s to a girl in her late teens, according to police. Each victim — two women and three men — was hospitalized in “stable” condition as of late Monday, said Officer Cody Tapley, a spokesman for the Sacramento Police Department.

Officers have not announced any suspect description. The incident remains under investigation, police said.