8 Foolproof Paint Colors for Your Living Room

Whether the living room in your house functions as your family’s main hangout hub—anchored by a roomy sectional, a plush rug, and a mounted big-screen TV, perhaps—or it’s used as more of a special occasion spot for entertaining guests when friends or relatives come over (with sleeker seating and accent tables), it’s bound to start to feel dated or just kind of, well, blah to you at some point. The good news is it isn’t hard to give your living room a refresh. It doesn’t have to require a whole slew of new furniture or expensive decorative accents either. According to top design pros, your quickest—and most affordable—fix just might be a new color of paint. That little update to your walls can make a big difference, and you can pull it off without a ton of time and effort. But before you commit to buying a few gallons and gathering the tools to get started, make sure you’ve pinpointed the right paint. For some people, that ideal hue is quiet and understated—a crisp white or a creamy beige for example. (Bonus: A neutral like this pairs well with nearly any furniture.) For others who want their living area to have depth or evoke a sense of drama, a richer, more saturated shade—like a creamy café au lait or an earthy gray—may be the perfect choice. To help you navigate the paint aisle and narrow down your options, we asked design pros for their tried-and-true favorites. Use their top picks to update your own space in less time.