Andy Barr calls Trump’s trial a ‘sham’ | Opinion

Barr’s allegations

U.S. Rep. Andy Barr (R-Ky.), a lawyer, recently made a statement regarding Trump’s conviction on 34 felony charges. He called the prosecutor “corrupt” and the trial a “sham” marked by “outrageous and unconstitutional tactics.” Please note that Mr. Barr provided no evidence to support his accusations.

In what way is the District Attorney “corrupt?” What made the trial a “sham?” What “outrageous and unconstitutional tactics” were taken? Mr. Barr won’t tell us.

Under Kentucky’s Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers, there are at least two provisions worthy of contemplation here. The first: “A lawyer shall demonstrate respect for the legal system and for those who serve it, including judges, other lawyers and public officials. While it is a lawyer’s duty, when necessary, to challenge the rectitude of official action, it is also a lawyer’s duty to uphold legal process.”

The second: “In addition, a lawyer should further the public’s understanding of and confidence in the rule of law and the justice system because legal institutions in a constitutional democracy depend on popular participation and support to maintain their authority.”

Accusations against the legal system itself, such as those made by Mr. Barr, are irresponsible and damaging to our democracy.

Walter May, Lexington

Charter schools

Once upon a time, back in 1990, children were considered Kentucky’s most valuable resource. So much so that the Kentucky Supreme Court declared the state school system unconstitutional because children were not receiving an equal education across the Commonwealth. The legislature then passed the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA).

Among the new measures in KERA were school-based councils with parent members and the opportunity for students to change schools if their school did not perform at acceptable levels. Schools with low student performance were given more assistance. When KERA ended in 2014 test score were up statewide, the poorest districts performing as well as affluent ones. Still, the Republican Legislature voted against refunding KERA and gains in student performance evaporated over time.

It’s insane that Republicans believe the solution for a struggling public school system is to change the State Constitution so public tax dollars can be used to fund “private” charter schools for a few “select” children. How can taking away money from an underfunded system improve it? That argument is especially galling because when the legislature fully funded KERA, it worked for ALL students. To Republicans, Kentucky’s children are no longer a valuable resource; they are collateral damage.

Margaret Groves, Frankfort

Defending rioters

Just when I think U.S. Rep. Any Barr (R-Ky.) can’t sink any lower, he gets out a shovel and digs deeper. This time he said that he “absolutely” believed those convicted because of their involvement on Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol attack should be released from their jail terms.

As a reminder, the Jan. 6th attack on the Capitol was intended to stop the certification of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. In the process of that attempted coup, the Capitol building was vandalized, Congress was terrorized, and over 130 Capitol police officers were injured, some seriously. Apparently for Barr and many conservatives, some “Blue Lives” matter more than others.

Every one of those people convicted for the actions they took that day are guilty, just as former President Donald Trump is guilty of violating New York state election laws, and Hunter Biden is guilty of violating laws regarding the purchase of a handgun by a user of illegal drugs.

I’ve always believed in the old adage, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” Saying otherwise just because it is the politically expedient thing to do shows us that Barr has no courage, no honesty, no integrity and no patriotism.

Greg Kring

$3 bill

I read in the Herald-Leader that earlier this month, U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) introduced legislation to put former President Donald Trump’s face on the $500 bill. I agree with this concept but believe it would be far more appropriate to put his face on the $3 bill. It’s phony and illegal—the perfect tribute.

Jeff Worley, Lexington

Monitoring Trump

When our kids were little, we spent a weekend at one of Kentucky’s state parks, the four of us sharing one room. In the middle of the night, our older daughter sat straight up in bed, yelling “Make him stop, make him stop!”

She was angry and awakened by my husband’s snoring. As the only other adult in the room who was wide awake by then, I took on the responsibility to spend the rest of the night shaking him occasionally to stop the snoring and the noise so she could sleep in peace.

I tell you that to be able to ask you this: who among you is willing to stay awake and monitor the cacophony of noise coming from the current presumed Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump? His snorting, bellowing, yelling, whining, lying, and exaggerating are certainly keeping me awake as I ponder the disaster awaiting us all if he would somehow become President again. Please do your part and “Make him stop!”

Janice Russell, Lexington

Trump conviction

It’s official: After making secret hush money payments to an adult film star 11 days before the 2016 election and falsifying official filings to hide the truth from the public, former President Donald Trump has been found guilty by a New York jury.

Trump’s conviction in New York should remind us all that no one—including a former president—is above the law. It should also remind us of the danger that Trump still poses to our democracy.

In the final weeks of the 2016 election, Trump covered up his affair with Stormy Daniels to dupe voters and improve his chances of winning the election. As it turns out, this would only be his first foray into undermining our elections. The New York trial may be over, but Donald Trump still faces three additional indictments and 54 criminal charges for a litany of crimes, including federal charges for his efforts to incite violence and overturn the will of voters after he knew he’d lost the 2020 election.

This is a pattern. The jury has done their job to hold Trump accountable. Now, it’s time for the American people to do our part and hold him accountable at the ballot box.

Joan Mullins, Lexington

Trump’s pattern

Trump falsified documents and official filings just 11 days before the 2016 election in order to hide the truth from the public. He’s a felon. having been found guilty by a jury of his peers... a jury that was approved by Trump’s lawyers.

Trump’s conviction in New York should remind us all that no one—including a former president—is above the law. It should also remind us of the danger that Trump still poses to our democracy.

This move in the final weeks of the 2016 election was only his first foray into undermining our elections. Donald Trump still faces three additional indictments and 54 criminal charges for a litany of crimes, including federal charges for his efforts to incite violence and overturn the will of voters after he knew he’d lost the 2020 election.

This is a pattern. The jury has done their job to hold Trump accountable. Now, it’s time for the American people to do our part and hold him accountable at the ballot box.

Clifford Kaye, Lexington

Israel support

Hamas, the evil terrorism that it is, like World War II Nazism, Fascism, and 19th slavery, has to be eradicated as a cancer against humanity. No one today can imagine those past evil forces still remaining in our modern world. But for the last 70 years, even to exist as a free democracy, Israel has had to fight to survive against similar hostile threats. This most recent evil scourge blatantly dismembers innocents, kills babies, targets non-military civilians, fosters rape and uses human shields as protection. It’s a hideous movement!

With verified crimes, what does the useless United Nations “talk shop,” and now Biden, do? They condemn Israel for defending herself. I’m glad former Presidents Lincoln, Roosevelt and Truman didn’t react to evil like these political poltroons! Doesn’t anyone find it strange that none of the 49 Muslim/Arab countries will take the pariah Palestine people but Israel is supposed to live with bombers, rapists and terrorists? Even Jordan threw the PLO out!

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserts the dangers posed and will accept nothing but victory. Joe Biden giving Israel military advice is like the Three Stooges giving Albert Einstein advice on the theory of relativity. Pray for Israel. She’ll kill evil and is just to do so!

Robert Adams, Lexington