We aren’t being represented in NC. We are being ruled. | Opinion

NC’s ruling party

Among other undemocratic actions, North Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature has exempted itself from public disclosure laws, engages in extreme gerrymandering, makes voting more difficult and N.C. citizens are unable to put forth voter initiated ballot issues. None of these actions are supported by the majority of North Carolinians. We aren’t being represented, we’re being ruled.

Bruce Vukoson, Chapel Hill


Regarding recent efforts to allow more casinos in North Carolina. Why do companies like Caesars want to build casinos everywhere? It is because they make money. And where does that money come from? It comes from the surrounding community. It’s time to name all the elected representatives who are pushing this and want to take money from their local communities. I thought it was their job to make life better for constituents, not worse.

Ben Owens, Raleigh

War in Israel

Systematically murdering and kidnapping more than 1,000 children and adults is indisputably evil. Systematically bombing civilians while cutting off fuel, food and water to 2 million children and adults is indisputably evil. These are crimes against humanity.

We respond to one heinous crime with outrage and support for those harmed, yet ignore the other even as the harm grows daily. Where is our humanity? May we yet realize the difference between justice and vengeance and understand which will secure the future and which will destroy it.

Debbie Carraway, Raleigh

Donald Trump

In 2004, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama presented the Democratic National Convention with his red states, blue states, United States keynote address. In that moment, as a registered Republican, I decided I’d vote for this man were he ever to run for president because he got it. He understood then, as now, that the greatest threat to our democracy comes from within. In these days, Donald Trump is the spearhead of that threat. We cannot sit on the sidelines and passively allow him to regain his throne. Get out and vote!

Allan Thunes, Apex

Speak up, pastors

In the Oct. 7 op-ed piece about Republicans’ failure to speak up against the violent rhetoric coming from Donald Trump, President Joe Biden is quoted as saying “the silence is deafening.”

Doubly tragic and mystifying is the alarming silence of pastors and religious leaders who are afraid to speak out against the hate speech targeting political opponents, racist condemnation of immigrants, sexual turpitude, and years-long lying and financial fraud from Trump — presidential candidate.

Joseph Moran, Durham

Child tax credit

The dysfunctional state of the U.S. House right now shows that some representatives care more about politics than they do about the people they were elected to serve. There are many issues waiting to be resolved, including child poverty.

When the U.S. Census Bureau released new figures last month, we learned that the number of U.S. children living in poverty more than doubled in 2022 after experiencing a historic low in 2021 due in large part to monthly Child Tax Credit payments. Research by the Century Foundation projected 150,000 N.C. children lost child care and 1,700 childcare programs closed when childcare stabilization grants ended Sept. 30.

It would be in the best interest of so many to reinstate a fully refundable child tax credit as quickly as possible.

Patti Maxwell, Cary

Yes, to a ban

Regarding “Gas-powered leaf blowers are a LOUD, polluting fall scourge. Here’s an idea: Ban them.” (Oct. 9):

Gas-powered leaf blowers harm our health, violate our right to peace and quiet, and hurt our planet. They emit noise that travels farther and penetrates exterior walls of homes and businesses. They generate CO2 at a rate three to nine times higher than battery-operated blowers, contributing to climate change effects. Numerous municipalities and counties around the nation have already banned or restricted gas-powered leaf blowers. It is time for the Triangle to do the same.

Mark Hilpert, Raleigh