Banned beggar jailed for asking plain-clothes officer for money

Mugshot of Robert Mallaburn
Mallaburn unwittingly asked a police officer for money [Nottinghamshire Police]

A beggar has been jailed for breaching a court order after asking a plain-clothes police officer for cash.

Robert Mallaburn, 45, was banned from begging anywhere in Mansfield and Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, police said, after he repeatedly "harassed" shoppers and retail staff.

But he was arrested after breaching the court order on Saturday in Mansfield.

He pleaded guilty to breaching a criminal behaviour order and was jailed for 16 weeks.

Other breaches related to incidents of begging outside Mansfield Sainsbury's, in Nottingham Road.

Mallaburn, of Lansbury Road, Edwinstowe, pleaded guilty at Nottingham Magistrates' Court on Monday and was sentenced.

Sgt Alice Bartle, of Nottinghamshire Police, said the incidents are the second time Malliburn has breached his order.

She said: "Aggressive and nuisance begging is a blight on our public spaces and is not something that we will overlook.

"Where possible, we will direct people to any help and support they need, but ultimately, we will take decisive action when all other options have been exhausted."

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