Biden weighs in on Gaza hospital strike on tumultuous Israel trip – live

President Joe Biden has said that it appears that the explosion at a Gaza hospital that left hundreds of civilians dead was done “by the other team” and not by Israel – as both sides dispute responsibility for the attack.

The president touched down in Tel Aviv at around 11am local time Wednesday morning for a high-stakes wartime visit amid the country’s escalating war with Hamas.

Speaking alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, he said that he was “deeply outraged and saddened” by the hospital attack.

“Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you. But there’s a lot of people out there not sure, so we have to overcome a lot of things,” he said.

Israel has blamed the Palestinian Islamic Jihad for the hospital attack. Meanwhile, the PIJ has denied involvement and Hamas has blamed Israel.

Following the explosion, Mr Biden’s Middle East summit in Amman, Jordan, was cancelled with both King Abdullah and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority pulling out.

In the visit, Mr Biden hold meetings with Mr Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog and meet families of some of the hostages.

Key points

  • Biden in Israel for high-stakes wartime visit

  • Biden says it appears Gaza hospital explosion was done ‘by other team’ – not Israel

  • What is Biden’s schedule for visit?

  • Kirby says Biden will ask ‘tough questions’ of Israel

  • Biden Middle East summit cancelled as Palestinian and Jordanian leaders pull out

  • US warns Americans ‘do not travel’ to Lebanon as Beirut embassy is set on fire

Don’t repeat our 9/11 mistakes, Biden tells Israel

15:55 , Jane Dalton

Joe Biden made clear he came to Israel with a single message: “You are not alone”.

The Hamas attack left deep wound among Israelis, the US president said – but he urged the country not to make “mistakes” like US after the September 11 2001 terror attacks.

And he reiterated his support for a two-state solution to the conflict.

After talking to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he posted on social media: “I asked tough questions as a friend of Israel. We will continue to deter any actor wanting to widen this conflict.”

Haunting last message of teenage trainee doctor killed in airstrike

18:25 , Jane Dalton

A trainee doctor killed alongside her family in Gaza posted a tragic last message on social media just days before her death, writing: “I have dreams I have not yet fulfilled”:

Tragic last message of teenage trainee doctor killed with family in Israel airstrike

Analysis: How Israel can get hostages back

18:03 , Jane Dalton

Anguished families whose loved ones were snatched by Hamas say other countries will be needed as go-betweens. Kim Sengupta looks at what might be needed for this to happen:

How can Israel get back the hostages abducted into Gaza by Hamas?

Iran and Saudi Arabia hold rare talks

17:45 , Jane Dalton

Iran and Saudi Arabia have held rare in-person discussions about the Gaza and Israel crisis.

The nations’ respective foreign ministers met on the sidelines of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi foreign ministry said: “The two sides discussed the military escalation and the recent developments in Gaza and its surroundings, stressing that the Kingdom is making every possible effort to communicate with all international and regional parties to stop the ongoing escalation.”

Last Thursday, the de facto leaders of both countries (Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi) held a phone call to discuss what is happening in Israel.

The two countries rarely speak, let alone meet; as the two regional powers in the Middle East, upholding opposing branches of Islam (Iran is Shia while Saudi is Sunni), the two nations have been long-standing enemies until a Chinese-brokered detente earlier this year.

EU chief warns of Hamas ‘live-streaming executions'

17:30 , Jane Dalton

A European commissioner says he is seeking assurances from social media platforms that they are well prepared for the possibility of Hamas live-streaming executions.

Thierry Breton, the EU’s digital chief, also posted that he was committed to accelerating the fight against illegal and terrorist content on social media.

Watch: ‘The tear gas is overwhelming’ - reporter in violent anti-American protest

17:15 , Jane Dalton

Satellite images reveal hospital blast damage

17:02 , Jane Dalton

Satellite images show extent of damage caused by blast at Gaza hospital

Civilians must not suffer for Hamas terror, says White House

16:51 , Jane Dalton

A White House statement on $100m humanitarian assistance for Palestinian people reads:

“This funding will help support over a million displaced and conflict-affected people with clean water, food, hygiene support, medical care and other essential needs.

“The United States provides humanitarian assistance through trusted partners including UN agencies and international NGOs.

“Civilians are not to blame and should not suffer for Hamas’s horrific terrorism. Civilian lives must be protected and assistance must urgently reach those in need.”

Israel vows to block Gaza aid while citizens captive

16:47 , Jane Dalton

The Israeli government has insisted it will not allow any humanitarian aid from the country into to Gaza while Israeli citizens are still being held there.

But it has confirmed it will not stop aid for civilians going in through Egypt.

A statement from the prime minister’s office reads:

“In light of the sweeping and vital American support for the war effort, as well as US President Biden’s request for basic humanitarian assistance, the streamlined Security Cabinet unanimously decided:

“1. Israel will not allow any humanitarian assistance from its territory to the Gaza Strip as long as our captives are not returned.

“2. Israel demands Red Cross visits with our captives and is working to mobilize broad international support for this demand.

“3. In light of President Biden’s request, Israel will not prevent humanitarian assistance from Egypt as long as it is only food, water and medicine for the civilian population located in the southern Gaza Strip or which is evacuating to there, and as long as these supplies do not reach Hamas. Any supplies that reach Hamas – will be prevented.”

Israel to let aid into Gaza from Egypt, says Biden

16:45 , Jane Dalton

Joe Biden says Israel has agreed to allow humanitarian assistance to begin flowing into Gaza from Egypt, with the understanding it would be subject to inspections and that it should go to civilians and not Hamas militants.

The US president said he had spoken with the Israeli cabinet “to agree to the delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance of civilians in Gaza”.

“Let me be clear,” he said. If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people.”

Biden leaves Israel

16:41 , Jane Dalton

President Joe Biden is leaving Israel after a brief, high-stakes visit at the height of the Israel-Hamas war.

He boarded the steps of Air Force One just after 6pm local time following a day of meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog and first responders who have been come face-to-face with the horrors of the Hamas attacks.

Mr Biden had been expected to travel on to Amman, Jordan, for a Middle East summit, but this was abruptly cancelled after both Jordanian King Abdullah and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority pulled out.

Now, he will fly back to Joint Base Andrews and then on to the White House.

Pro-Palestinian protesters in Lebanon clash with police

16:34 , Jane Dalton

Protesters clashed with security forces in demonstrations near the US embassy in Awkar in Lebanon, in support of Palestinians.


US vetoes UN resolution condemning Hamas attacks

16:24 , Jane Dalton

The United States has vetoed a UN resolution that would have condemned Hamas’s attacks on Israel and all violence against civilians, and urged humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

The vote in the 15-member Security Council was 12 votes in favour, the US against and two abstentions.

US ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said after the vote that President Joe Biden was in the region engaging in diplomacy “and we need that diplomacy to play out”.

She also criticised the resolution for not saying anything about Israel’s right to self-defence.

Before the vote on the resolution sponsored by Brazil, council members rejected two Russian amendments, one calling for a “humanitarian ceasefire” and the other condemning indiscriminate attacks on civilians and “civilian objects” in Gaza, which include hospitals and schools.

Life-saving aid to Gaza for civilians, not Hamas, Biden says

15:49 , Jane Dalton


We will do everything to ensure Israel safe, president vows

15:30 , Jane Dalton

President Joe Biden has vowed the United States will do everything it can to ensure the country is safe.

Mr Biden urged Israelis not to be consumed by rage, saying the vast majority of Palestinians were not affiliated with Hamas. The Palestinian people were suffering as well, he said.

The president made reference to the Nazi Holocaust of World War Two when saying that Israel had the backing of its friends.

“We will not stand by and do nothing again. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever,” he said.

'Terrorists won’t win’

15:25 , Jane Dalton

“The terrorists will not win. Freedom will win,” President Joe Biden said in a powerful speech in Tel Aviv.

“Israel you are not alone,” he added.


Choices never easy, president warns

15:23 , Jane Dalton

Mr Biden went on: “I’ve made wartime decisions. I know the choices are never clear or easy for leadership. There’s always cost.

“It requires being deliberate. It requires asking very hard questions. It requires clarity about the objectives, and an honest assessment about whether the path you’re on while achieve those objectives.”

Biden announces $100m in US aid to Gaza and West Bank

15:22 , Jane Dalton

President Joe Biden has announced $100m in US assistance to Gaza and West Bank to support those displaced due to the violence in the Middle East.

“What sets us apart from terrorists is we believe in the dignity of every human life,” he said.

The president has come under increasing pressure to address the escalating humanitarian issues facing civilians in Gaza since the war broke out on 7 October.

Biden compares attacks to 9/11

15:20 , Jane Dalton

The president warned people not to be consumed by anger, as he compared the Hamas attacks to September 11 in the US.

“I caution this while you feel that rage, don’t be consumed by it. After 9/11, we were enraged in the United States. While we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes,” he said.

The US stood with Israelis, he insisted.

Hamas attacks ‘bring back Holocaust memories'

15:18 , Jane Dalton

Mr Biden told reporters that the Hamas attacks bring back memories of the Holocaust as he insisted that Israel is “not alone”.

“I come to Israel with a single message: you’re not alone, you’re not alone,” he said.

“As long as the US stands – it will stand forever – you will not be alone.”

Mr Biden said that the Hamas attacks “brought to surface painful memories of antisemitism” seen in the Holocaust.

While he said the world watched that happen back then, he vowed this time round that won’t happen.

“We will not stand by and do nothing again. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever,” he said.

Biden warns other nations not to attack

15:17 , Jane Dalton

Other nations and hostile actors should not think of attacking Israel, the US president warned.

The vast majority of Palestinians were not Hamas, he said.

Scream for justice - Biden

15:15 , Jane Dalton

Joe Biden said the attack was like 15 September 11ths.

He said you couldn’t see what happened and not scream for justice.

No excusing attack, says Biden

15:13 , Jane Dalton

Joe Biden said there was no rationalising or excusing the Hamas attack on Israel.

Paying tribute to the victims and people who rushed to rescue them, he said they would never be forgotten.

His administration was in close touch with the Israeli leadership, he said

Watch live: Biden due to make statement in Tel Aviv

15:02 , Jane Dalton

Watch live: Biden due to make statement in Tel Aviv as Israel-Gaza conflict continues

15:00 , Jane Dalton

Mary Dejevsky: Why risk-averse Joe Biden is gambling on high-stakes Israel visit

15:00 , Jane Dalton

The US president could be making his trip to mitigate the risks of a conflagration that could consume the whole region, involving Iran and maybe threatening the very survival of Israel itself, writes Mary Dejevsky:

Why is risk-averse Joe Biden gambling on such a high-stakes visit to Israel?

Biden says data shows Israel not behind hospital explosion

14:35 , Jane Dalton

President Joe Biden has said his comments that it “appears to be the other team” and not Israel that carried out the strike on a Gaza hospital was based on data from the US Defense Department.

“Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you. But there’s a lot of people out there not sure, so we have to overcome a lot of things,” he said after arriving in Tel Aviv on Wednesday morning.

Mr Biden was asked by pool reporters what makes him sure that Israel wasn’t behind the explosion.

“The data I was shown by my defense department,” he responded.

Israel has blamed the Palestinian Islamic Jihad for the hospital attack. Meanwhile, the PIJ has denied involvement and Hamas has blamed Israel.

New York emergency doctor sacked for ‘rejoicing’ over Hamas attack

14:30 , Jane Dalton

A New York ER doctor has been fired for allegedly praising the massacre by Hamas militants on an Israeli music festival that left over 250 people dead, saying the victims were “getting a taste of their own medicine”:

New York ER doctor fired for ‘rejoicing’ over Hamas attack on Israeli music festival

Revoke UK visas of those guilty of antisemitism, says Javid

14:23 , Jane Dalton

Foreign nationals committing acts of antisemitism or other hate crimes in the UK should have their visas revoked, according to former home secretary Sajid Javid.

He told the Commons that British Jews have been subject to “vile abuse and hatred” in recent days, adding: “Antisemitism and all hate crimes fly in the face of British values and we should not allow events abroad … to be used to sow seeds of division in our own country.”

PM Rishi Sunak replied: “I completely agree with (Mr Javid), who himself has done so much over the years to fight antisemitism. The increase in incidents we’ve seen over the past week is utterly sickening and this government will do whatever it takes to keep our Jewish community safe.”

Blinken: ‘Virtually every Israeli touched by bloody hand of Hamas’

14:21 , Jane Dalton

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he had met with a lot of Israeli people since the start of the war with Hamas last week.

“I’ve heard their stories, I’ve heard about the lives lost and changed forever,” he said.

“We know that virtually every Israeli has been touched by the bloody hand of Hamas. But what I’ve found is a nation that’s united, yes in grief but also united in resolve.”

He added that while “we know the pride Israel takes in its ability to defend itself”, “we want to make clear you don’t have to do that”.

“We’re here to make sure you can defend yourself.”

US defence chiefs ‘have data showing Israel not guilty of blast'

14:15 , Jane Dalton

President Joe Biden said his comment that the “other team”, not Israel, was responsible for the Gaza hospital blast was based on data shown to him by the US Department of Defense.

Watch: Hamas will not accept ceasefire calls, says Cleverly

14:05 , Jane Dalton

US sanctions Hamas members and financing

14:00 , Jane Dalton

The US has announced sanctions against a group of 10 Hamas members and the Palestinian militant organisation’s financial network across Gaza, Sudan, Turkey, Algeria and Qatar.

US president Joe Biden has tried to damp down tensions in the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas, but those efforts have faced setbacks.

The sanctions action by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control targets members who manage a Hamas investment portfolio, a Qatar-based financial facilitator with close ties to the Iranian regime, a key Hamas commander and a Gaza-based virtual currency exchange.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the US was “taking swift and decisive action to target Hamas’s financiers and facilitators following its brutal and unconscionable massacre of Israeli civilians, including children”.

“The US Treasury has a long history of effectively disrupting terror finance and we will not hesitate to use our tools against Hamas,” she said.

Watch: UK will draw own conclusion on attack, says foreign secretary

13:55 , Jane Dalton

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has said the UK will “make its own conclusion” on who is responsible for the deadly attack on a Gaza hospital after Joe Biden suggested Hamas was to blame:

Cleverly responds to Biden’s ‘not Israel’ hospital claim: ‘We’ll make own conclusion’

Blinken expresses support for Palestinians

13:41 , Jane Dalton

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has expressed “continuing US support for the Palestinian people” as he spoke to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

A spokesperson said he expressed profound condolences for the civilian lives lost in the explosion at the Al Ahli Anglican hospital in Gaza City.

“The Secretary expressed continuing US support for the Palestinian people, stressing that Hamas terrorists do not represent Palestinians or their legitimate aspirations for self-determination and equal measures of dignity, freedom, security, and justice.

“The Secretary emphasised that the United States unequivocally condemns all terrorism and stressed the United States’ firm commitment to upholding the law of war, to include important protections for civilians.

“The Secretary and the President discussed continuing U.S. efforts to coordinate the provision of urgent, life-saving humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza, in tandem with partners, and efforts to prevent the conflict from spreading.”

US announces sanctions on 10 Hamas members

13:37 , Jane Dalton

Breaking news – more soon: The US has announced sanctions against a group of 10 Hamas members and its financial network in response to its attack on Israel.

UK speaking to US about hospital attack intelligence

13:35 , Jane Dalton

It is “deeply irresponsible” to jump to conclusions over the explosion at the al Ahli hospital, Downing Street has said.

Rishi Sunak’s official spokesman said “no-one should be taking at face value the word of a terrorist organisation” after Hamas blamed the Israeli military for the blast.

The UK is speaking to the US and other partners as it seeks to establish the facts surrounding the destruction, he said.

“We are speaking to the US, of course, but we will be speaking to our partners in the intelligence agencies carrying out their own work.”

Kim Sengupta: The families of hostages taken by Hamas are desperate – but can Israel get them back?

13:30 , Tom Watling

As Israeli forces mass near the city of Sderot to go into Gaza, Kim Sengupta speaks to families whose loved ones were snatched by Hamas.

How can Israel get back the hostages abducted into Gaza by Hamas?

Hamas has ‘no interest’ in ceasefire, says Cleverly

13:19 , Tom Watling

Foreign secretary James Cleverly has rejected calls to push Israel for a ceasefire.

“The truth is Hamas have no interest in a ceasefire,” he told the Commons.

“They have never attempted to engage in a two-state solution. They made every attempt to collapse the Oslo process. They are no friend of the Palestinian people.”

SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn earlier called for the UK government to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. And the left-wing Labour MP John McDonnell asked Cleverly whether the government could “at least call for the end of [Israeli] rockets and bombs” if a ceasefire is not possible.

Smoke billows during Israeli bombardment of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip (AFP via Getty Images)
Smoke billows during Israeli bombardment of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip (AFP via Getty Images)

Gaza health ministry released updated death toll from hospital explosion

13:14 , Tom Watling

The Hamas-run health ministry has released an updated death toll for the number of people killed by an explosion at a hospital in the northern regions of the enclave.

A spokesperson for the ministry said 471 people had been killed. Israel has accused Hamas of inflating those numbers.

The over death toll has been updated to 3,478 people, according to the ministry, while 12,000 have been wounded.

Palestinian families rush out of their homes after Israeli airstrikes targeting their neighbourhood in Gaza City (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Palestinian families rush out of their homes after Israeli airstrikes targeting their neighbourhood in Gaza City (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Massive protesters take place in the West Bank

12:38 , Tom Watling

Massive protests are underway in the West Bank as Palestinians flood the streets in solidarity with those killed during an explosion at a hospital in northern Gaza on Tuesday evening.

Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian-held zones in the West Bank, declared a three-day mourning period after the explosions yesterday.

He also cancelled his meeting with US President Joe Biden, originally meant to happen later today.

Cleverly set to travel Middle East to push for opening of Gaza border

12:34 , Tom Watling

UK foreign secretary James Cleverly is expected to travel to the Middle East soon, including visits to Egypt and possibly Qatar and Turkey, a source told Reuters on Wednesday.

Cleverly, who last week visited Israel following attacks by Palestinian militant group Hamas, is said to be due to discuss the opening of a border crossing between Gaza and Egypt to allow humanitarian aid in and citizens to leave.

How Israel’s war could backfire – not on Sunak, but Starmer...

12:31 , Tom Watling

Normally, an international crisis poses a bigger test for the government than the opposition, writes Andrew Grice. But while the Tories are instinctively a pro-Israel party, Starmer faces a far more difficult balancing act

How Israel’s war could backfire – not on Sunak, but Starmer...

Aid must get in to Gaza ‘immediately’, says Keir Starmer

12:30 , Tom Watling

Keir Starmer said he has spoken with charities working in Gaza and heard their accounts of the “harrowing humanitarian crisis”, telling the Commons: “The lights are going out and the innocent civilians of Gaza are terrified that they will die in the darkness, out of sight.”

Starmer said medicines, food, fuel and water “must get into Gaza immediately”, adding: “This is an urgent situation and innocent Palestinians need to know that the world is not just simply watching but acting to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.”

He added: “International law must always be followed, Hamas are not the Palestinian people and the Palestinian people are not Hamas.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer calls on aid to be sent immediately to Gaza (PA Wire)
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer calls on aid to be sent immediately to Gaza (PA Wire)

Humza Yousaf says Gaza explosion 'shattered every window' in mother-in-law's house

12:26 , Tom Watling

‘You are not alone’: Biden tells Israel

12:21 , Tom Watling

US President Joe Biden told Israel “you are not alone” as he sat alongside Benjamin Netanyahu while the Israeli prime minister doubled down on its claim that it was not responsible for the Gaza hospital explosion.

“In the wake of Hamas’ appalling terrorist assaults – brutal, inhumane almost beyond belief what they did, this cabinet came together and standing strong, standing united,” he said.

“And I want you to know that you are not alone, you are not alone.

“As I emphasised earlier, we will continue to have Israel’s back as you work to defend your people. We will continue to work with you and our partners across the region to prevent more tragedy on innocent civilians.”

He continued: “75 years ago, your founders declared that this nation would be one based on ‘freedom, justice and peace’. Freedom, justice and peace.

“The US stands with you in defence of that freedom and in pursuit of that justice and in support of that peace. Today, tomorrow and always – we promise you.”

UK intelligence ‘rapidly analysing the evidence’, says Sunak

12:21 , Tom Watling

Rishi Sunak said the UK intelligence services are working “at pace” to work out who is responsible for the attack at the hospital in Gaza.

“Our intelligence services have been rapidly analysing the evidence to independently establish the facts,” he told the Commons during PMQs.

Mr Sunak said Britain would also work with international allies to assess the evidence, saying: “We should not rush to judgement before we have the facts.”

Rishi Sunak speaking in the House of Commons about Hamas attacks on Israel (PA)
Rishi Sunak speaking in the House of Commons about Hamas attacks on Israel (PA)

Netanyahu and Biden speak after war cabinet meeting

12:15 , Tom Watling

After meeting with the Israeli war cabinet, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden gave brief remarks to reporters.

“This will be a different kind of war because Hamas is a different kind of enemy,” said Mr Netanyahu.

“While Israel seeks to minimise civilian casualties Hamas seeks to maximise civilian casualties. Hamas wants to kill as many Israelis as possible and has no regard for Palestinian lives.”

Mr Netanyahu doubled down on Israel’s claim that the explosion at a hospital in Gaza was caused by a rocket fired by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) – something which the PIJ has denied.

Mr Netanyahu said that the US and Israel are working together to free hostages from Hamas.

“We will continue to work together to get our hostages out,” he said.

“Mr President, the road to victory will be long and hard but united in purpose and with a deep sense of justice and the unbreakable spirit of our soldiers and people Israel will prevail.”

President Joe Biden is welcomed by Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu (REUTERS)
President Joe Biden is welcomed by Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu (REUTERS)

Everything we know about the Gaza hospital explosion: Dispute over who is to blame

12:11 , Tom Watling

Using geolocated videos from Gaza and nearby areas in Israel last night, The Independent has put together a comprehensive explainer on everything we know about the hospital explosion in the northern region of the enclave, and who may be to blame.

US President Joe Biden has said that he believes the explosion was caused by the “other team”. Western leaders have called for an investigation.

The information available suggests that this explosion was not caused by an Israeli airstrike, pointing instead to a failed rocket launched from within Gaza, though the story remains fluid and further reports will be provided.

It does not constitute proof of the above suggestion. All information is linked within the copy.

Everything we know about the explosion in Gaza

Israel claims there has been an ‘increase in failed launches’ from Gaza

11:51 , Tom Watling

Israel has claimed there was an “increase in the number of failed launches” from within Gaza.

Daniel Hagari, a spokesperson for the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), said: “In the last day, there has been an increase in the number of failed launches that hit the Gaza Strip.

“In the meantime, the terrorist organization Hamas continues to use the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields, and does not hesitate to risk their lives to cover up its attacks”

According to the IDF, some 450 rockets have fallen short in Gaza since the fighting began on 7 October.

These claims have not been verified.

Further footage appears to show moment of Gaza hospital explosion

11:48 , Tom Watling

Further footage has been published online appearing to show the moment the Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City suffered an explosion.

The Independent continues to analyse the videos purporting to show the incident.

US downplays cancellation of Biden’s Middle East summit

11:46 , Tom Watling

The Biden administration has tried to downplay the significance of President Joe Biden’s meeting with Middle East leaders being axed.

After visiting Israel, Mr Biden was due to travel to Jordan to meet with the leaders of Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian authority.

But, after hundreds of civilians were killed in an explosion at a Gaza hospital, Jordanian King Abdullah and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority pulled out of the meeting.

In a briefing with reporters on board Air Force One en route to Tel Aviv, NSC spokesperson John Kirby insisted that the cancellation was because President Abbas was holding three days of mourning.

“I mean, the main reason that Abbas pulled out of the meeting in Jordan was because of three days of mourning, which is of course completely culturally understandable,” he said.

“I mean, he absolutely had to go home, and we understand that. And without him there, certainly that made it more difficult to have the kind of discussions that we wanted to have in Amman.

“But again, they’ll speak again on the way home.”

Mr Kirby said that Mr Biden spoke to both King Abdullah and President Abbas on Tuesday night after the hospital explosion – and that he will be speaking to them again as he leaves Israel later today.

John Kirby said the US President Joe Biden will speak to Gulf leaders soon (Getty Images)
John Kirby said the US President Joe Biden will speak to Gulf leaders soon (Getty Images)

Protesters gather in the West Bank

11:40 , Tom Watling

Protesters have gathered in the West Bank following an explosion in a Gaza hospital.

Putin describes hospital strike on civilians as ‘catastrophe’

11:21 , Tom Watling

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that a strike on a hospital in Gaza that killed hundreds of Palestinians was a terrible catastrophe that showed the conflict should be ended.

“As for the strike on the hospital, the tragedy that happened there is a terrible event,” Putin said after talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing. “Hundreds of dead and hundreds of wounded are of course a catastrophe.

“I really hope this will be a signal that we need to end this conflict as soon as possible. In any case, we need to focus on the possibility of starting some contacts and negotiations.”

Russian efforts to broker a ceasefire in Israel have been blocked by the US and the United Kingdom at the United Security Council over the Kremlin’s failure to condem Hamas for the deadly incursion into Israel on 7 October.

Experts have also been quick to point to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as evidence the Kremlin is not interested in peace, nor is it concerned with abiding by the rules of war not to target civilians.

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during the Belt and Road Forum at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing (AP)
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during the Belt and Road Forum at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing (AP)

Protesters gather outside Israeli embassy in Jordan

11:14 , Tom Watling

Protesters have gathered at the Israeli embassy in Jordan following an explosion that is feared to have killed up to 500 people in Gaza.

There has been unrest across the Middle East following the explosion at a Gaza City hospital, including in Nablus and Ramallah in the West Bank, in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and in Amman, the capital of Jordan.

German chancellor condemns firebombing of Berlin synagogue

11:11 , Tom Watling

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has strongly condemned the firebombing of a synagogue in Berlin, saying “we will never accept when attacks are carried out against Jewish institutions”.

Assailants threw two incendiary devices at the synagogue in the centre of the capital early on Wednesday morning, police said, as antisemitic incidents in the country have been rising following the escalating violence in the Middle East.

The Kahal Adass Jisroel community wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: “Unknown persons threw two Molotov cocktails from the street.”

Dozens of police officers were investigating in front of the synagogue in the Mitte area of the city, and the entire street next to the building was cordoned off and closed to traffic.

German police officers stand guard in front of the building complex, center, of the Kahal Adass Jisroel community (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
German police officers stand guard in front of the building complex, center, of the Kahal Adass Jisroel community (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

More photos from the Gaza hospital explosion

11:01 , Tom Watling

More photos have emerged of the aftermath of the Gaza hospital explosion.

You can see them below.

Kirby says Biden will ask ‘tough questions’ of Israel

10:56 , Tom Watling

NSC spokesperson John Kirby has said that President Joe Biden will be asking “tough questions” of Israel during his meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv.

“He’ll be asking some tough questions. He’ll be asking them as a friend – as a true friend of Israel. But he will be asking some questions of them,” he told reporters on board Air Force One en route to Israel overnight Tuesday.

His comments come after hundreds of civilians were killed in an explosion at a hospital in Gaza.

Mr Kirby added that the president had directed the national security team “gather as much information and context as possible so that we can learn more about how this happened”.

After arriving in Tel Aviv, Mr Biden said that it appeared that the attack was carried out by “the other team” – not Israel.

President Biden says it appears Gaza hospital explosion was done ‘by other team’ – not Israel. (Reuters)
President Biden says it appears Gaza hospital explosion was done ‘by other team’ – not Israel. (Reuters)

Netanyahu likens Hamas attacks on Israel to ‘20 9/11s’

10:55 , Tom Watling

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu likened the attacks by Hamas on Israel to “20 9/11s” as he spoke of the significance of the president’s wartime visit.

“I know you share our outrage on this,” he said, saying that this marks the first visit of an American president in Israel at a time of war.

In total, 1,400 people have so far been killed in Hamas attacks on Israel, he said.

“This would be equivalent to 50,000 Americans in a single day,” he said. “That is 20 9/11s.”

Mr Biden doubled down on his administration’s support, vowing that “the US stands with Israel”.

“I want to be here today for a simple reason. I want the people of Israel, the people of the world to know the US stands with Israel,” he said.

“We had the secretary of state but I wanted to personally come to make that clear.”

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu describes the Hamas attacks as ‘20 9/11s’ (REUTERS)
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu describes the Hamas attacks as ‘20 9/11s’ (REUTERS)

What is Biden’s schedule for trip to Israel?

10:50 , Tom Watling

The Biden administration has kept specific timings of President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel under wraps, coming at a time of escalating tensions in the Middle East region. However, NSC spokesman John Kirby gave an outline of plans to reporters on board Air Force One overnight Tuesday. Here’s what we know about his schedule for the visit:

  • Meeting with Netanyahu – Mr Biden will first meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a restricted bilateral meeting. Both leaders will then be able to broaden the meeting to include Mr Biden’s team and the Israeli war cabinet.

  • Visit first responders – Mr Biden is then expected to meet some of Israel’s first responders who have responded to the violence, thanking them for their work.

  • Meet families of hostages and victims – The president will then meet with some of the families whose loved ones have been killed or taken hostage by Hamas.

  • Press briefing – Mr Biden will then make public remarks where he is expected to reinforce the US’s support for Israel.

  • Meeting with Herzog – Mr Biden is also expected to have a “short conversation” with President Herzog.

  • Departure – The president will head back to the White House later today.

Cleverly says ‘too many jumped to conclusions’ about Gaza explosion

10:40 , Tom Watling

James Cleverly has said that “too many jumped to conclusions” about the explosion in a Gaza hospital that may have killed hundreds of people.

In a statement on X, formerly Twitter, the UK foreign secretary said: “Last night, too many jumped to conclusions around the tragic loss of life at Al Ahli hospital.

“Getting this wrong would put even more lives at risk. Wait for the facts, report them clearly and accurately. Cool heads must prevail.”

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said the ‘protection of civilian life must come first’ (Jonathan Brady/PA) (PA Wire)
Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said the ‘protection of civilian life must come first’ (Jonathan Brady/PA) (PA Wire)

IDF posts alleged audio of Hamas militants discussing failed strike

10:18 , Tom Watling

The Israeli Defence Forces have published an audio clip allegedly between two Hamas militants suggesting that a misfired rocket was responsible for the hospital explosion in Gaza.

Some more footage from the aftermath of an explosion in Gaza

10:10 , Tom Watling

Some more footage is posted below appearing to show the aftermath of an explosion in the Al-Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital.

Up to 500 people are feared dead in the explosion, according to the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza.

‘Honest broker’ needed to end violence, says SNP leader

10:06 , Matt Mathers

SNP leader and Scotland’s first minister Humza Yousaf called for an independent investigation into the bombing of a Gaza hospital, calling it a “complete and utter human tragedy”, Adam Forrest reports.

Scotland’s first minister told BBC Breakfast there needs to be an “honest broker” in the Middle East to end the “perpetual cycle of violence” and secure peace between Israel and Palestine.

Mr Yousaf also said that his family were “just torn apart with worry” as his wife’s parents – still stuck in Gaza – struggle with low supplies.

He added: “Yesterday an Israeli missile hit a house across the road from my mother-in-law and father-in-law’s house and it shattered every window... broke all the mirrors and gave them a real fright. And so my mother-in-law told me she just didn’t sleep a wink last night with worry.”

File photo: Yousaf at his party’s conference (PA Wire)
File photo: Yousaf at his party’s conference (PA Wire)

Biden: Strike on hospital carried out by ‘other team’

10:01 , Tom Watling

President Joe Biden told Benjamin Netanyahu that it appears that the explosion at a Gaza hospital was done “by the other team”, Rachel Sharp reports.

Speaking alongside the Israeli Prime Minister in Tel Aviv, he said that he was “deeply outraged and saddened” by the incident, which has resulted in hundreds of deaths.

“I’m deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday. Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you. But there’s a lot of people out there not sure, so we have to overcome a lot of things,” he said.

Israel has blamed the Palestinian Islamic Jihad for the hospital attack. The PIJ has denied involvement while Hamas has blamed Israel.

He added: “We have to also bear in mind that Hamas does not represent all the Palestinian people, and has brought them only suffering.”

Hamas committed ‘evil atrocities'

10:00 , Matt Mathers

Biden says Hamas has “committed evil atrocities that make Isis look somewhat rational”, Chris Stevenson reports.

“We have to also bear in mind that Hamas does not represent all the Palestinian people, and has brought them only suffering,” he added.

“I’m deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday. Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you. But there’s a lot of people out there not sure, so we have to overcome a lot of things.”

File photo: Biden arrives in Israel (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
File photo: Biden arrives in Israel (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Netanyahu thanks US for support

09:51 , Matt Mathers

Netanyahu thanks the US for its support during these “trying times”. Chris Stephenson reports:

He said:"I want to thank you for coming here today and for the unequivocal support you have given Israel during these trying times. The support that reflects the overwhelming will of the American people.

“I’ve seen your support every day and the depth and breadth of cooperation that we have had since the beginning, a level of cooperation that is truly unprecedented in the history of the great alliance between our two nations.

"We see that support and your steadfast commitment to provide Israel with the tools we need to defend ourselves. We see that support in the clear message you send our enemies not to test our resolve, and in the two American carrier battle groups that you send to the region to back up those words, with action but above all, Mr. President, the world sees that support and the moral clarity that you have demonstrated from the moment Israel was attacked.

“You rightly drew a clear line between the forces of civilization the forces of barbarism and describe what commands do a sheer evil."

Breaking: US warns Americans ‘do not travel’ to Lebanon as Beirut embassy is set on fire

09:46 , Matt Mathers

The US has warned Americans not to travel to Lebanon after the Beirut was embassy set on fire.

Family members of US government personnel and non-essential embassy staff were allowed to leave Lebanon after the embassy in Beirut was targeted by protestors who started a fire at the complex.

Martha McHardy reports:

US warns Americans ‘do not travel’ to Lebanon as Beirut embassy is set on fire

Watch live: Biden meets Netanyahu in Tel Aviv to ask ‘tough questions' as Israel-Gaza conflict continues

09:43 , Matt Mathers

Biden and Netanyahu embrace at airport

09:41 , Matt Mathers

Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu shared an embrace after the US president arrived at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport earlier this morning.

The two leaders will hold talks about the escalating war between Hamas and Israel, with Biden expected to reiterate Washington’s support for Israel while calling for civilians to be protected.

The president will also meet separately with Israeli first responders to thank them for “bravely putting themselves in harm’s way in response to these Hamas attacks,” and with family members of Israelis and Americans who lost their lives in the 7 October Hamas attacks, as well as the families of Israelis and Americans who’ve been taken hostage by the militant group.


Pope deplores ‘desperate’ situation in Gaza

09:37 , Matt Mathers

Pope Francis deplored the "desperate" situation in Gaza on Wednesday as he urged the faithful to take "only one side" in the Israel-Hamas conflict, the side "of peace."

Speaking during his weekly audience in St Peter’s Square, Francis did not mention the deadly Gaza hospital strike, for which Israelis and Palestinians are blaming each other.

"War does not solve any problem, it only sows death and destruction, increases hatred, multiplies revenge. War erases the future," he said.

"I urge believers to take only one side in this conflict, that of peace, but not with words but with prayer and total dedication," Francis added.

The pope pleaded for all possible efforts "to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe", and announced special prayers for peace in St Peter’s Basilica at 6:00 p.m. (1600 GMT) Oct. 27.

He said Oct. 27 would be a "a day of fasting, prayers, penance", and invited all Christians, followers of other religions and those who care for world peace to join in.

File photo: Pope Francis looks on as he leads the weekly general audience in Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican (REUTERS)
File photo: Pope Francis looks on as he leads the weekly general audience in Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican (REUTERS)

Palestinian journalist shows reality of searching for water in Gaza

09:27 , Matt Mathers

A Palestinian journalist has taken to social media to show the reality of searching for water in Gaza, Oliver Browning reports.

Hind Khoudary shared footage of herself entering various shops and supermarkets only to find “totally empty” refrigerators.

Fears are growing that people in Gaza are beginning to dehydrate to death as clean water runs out, while Israeli airstrikes continue to pound the territory of 2.3 million residents.

“I came to the supermarket and asked if there was water,” Ms Khoudary says in one clip, before turning the camera to show more empty refrigerators.

She added that the supermarket owner shared his own bottle with her, but had no water to sell.

“The thing is, we are really thirsty.”

Watch the clip here:

Palestinian journalist shows reality of searching for water in Gaza

Israel denies responsibility for hospital explosion

09:17 , Matt Mathers

The Israeli military has refuted claims from Gaza that it was responsible for a horrific attack on a hospital in a northern part of the strip which killed hundreds of people, including children on Wednesday night, Bel Trew reports.

Officials in Gaza said an Israeli airstrike struck the al-Ahli hospital at approximately 7pm local time, killing hundreds of people, most of them displaced civilians seeking shelter in the grounds. The World Health Organisation said the hospital is one of 20 in the north of the Gaza Strip facing evacuation orders from the Israeli military.

Footage shared from the blast site taking in the aftermath of the attack, showed horrific scenes of mutilated bodies of women and children, covering the ground.

In a press conference held in Tel Aviv, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari refuted Gaza’s claims, blaming Palestinian Islamic Jihad - another militant group in Gaza - for the strike. He said Israel had video, satellite and audio evidence that a rocket, launched from a site close by the hospital, misfired and the warhead and the rocket’s propellant, caused the damage:

“Analysis of our aerial footage confirms that there was no direct hit of the hospital itself. The only location damaged, is outside the hospital in the parking lot where we can see signs of burning, no cratering and no structural damage to nearby buildings.

“As opposed to the damage caused by any aerial munition which would have been of a different nature: We would have seen craters and structural damage to buildings, both of which haven’t been identified in this incident.”

Gaza’s officials have said Palestinian rockets are not able to cause that level of damage or cause such a high death toll.

The Independent is unable to verify either claim.

Earlier in the day the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency said a UN school in the north of the country, where displaced people were sheltered, was hit in a strike killing 6 people earlier in the day.

Biden’s trip will be confined to Tel Aviv

09:12 , Matt Mathers

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters on board the presidential aircraft that Mr Biden’s itinerary in Israel would be “confined to Tel Aviv” and would start with a sit-down with Mr Netanyahu “in a very small restricted bilateral meeting” that would later expand to include more members of his team and members of the Israeli war cabinet.

The president will also meet separately with Israeli first responders to thank them for “bravely putting themselves in harm’s way in response to these Hamas attacks,” and with family members of Israelis and Americans who lost their lives in the 7 October Hamas attacks, as well as the families of Israelis and Americans who’ve been taken hostage by the militant group.

Andrew Feinberg reports:

Biden lands in Israel to meet Netanyahu hours after hospital explosion

Biden lands in Israel for high-stakes visit

08:59 , Matt Mathers

President Joe Biden has arrived Israel for a high-stakes wartime visit amid the country’s escalating war with Hamas, Rachel Sharp reports.

The president touched down in Tel Aviv at around 10.50am local time Wednesday morning where he will “reaffirm [US] solidarity with Israel” while condemning Hamas and addressing the “humanitarian needs of all citizens in Gaza”, according to NSC spokesman John Kirby.

The president is also expected to ask “tough questions” of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after hundreds of civilians died in an explosion at a hospital in Gaza.

“He’ll be asking some tough questions. He’ll be asking them as a friend – as a true friend of Israel. But he will be asking some questions of them,” Mr Kirby told reporters on Air Force One.

Israel has blamed the Palestinian Islamic Jihad for the hospital attack. The PIJ has denied involvement while Hamas has blamed Israel.

Following the incident, Mr Biden’s Middle East summit in Amman, Jordan, was cancelled with both King Abdullah and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority pulling out.

US President Joe Biden boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, on October 17, 2023, enroute to Israel (Getty)
US President Joe Biden boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, on October 17, 2023, enroute to Israel (Getty)
Air Force One touches down
Air Force One touches down

Protection of civilians ‘must come first’ - minister

08:50 , Matt Mathers

The protection of civilians during the Hamas-Israel war “must come first”, a government minister has said following a strike on a hospital in Gaza that has killed hundreds of people.

Treasury minister Andrew Griffiths told Times Radio the UK was working with its allies to establish the source of the blast on the Al-Ahli hospital.

More comments from Mr Griffiths below:

Israel has ‘forfeited any right to exist’, says former Labour MP

08:38 , Matt Mathers

Former Labour MP Chris Williamson has responded to the bombing of a Gaza hospital by stating on Twitter / X: “Israel has forfeited any right to exist,” Adam Forrest reports.

On 9 October he tweeted: “The current outpouring of sympathy for Israel should make anyone with half a heart retch.”

The Campaign Against Antisemitism said earlier this week that it had reported Williamson to the police.

Williamson was suspended by Labour for his comments about the party being “too apologetic” about antisemitism, then blocked from standing for the party in 2019 – when he lost his Derby North seat as an independent.

Live: Biden arrives in Israel to meet Netanyahu as IDF denies it is behind Gaza hospital strike

08:22 , Tom Watling

Live: Biden arrives in Israel to meet Netanyahu as IDF denies it is behind Gaza hospital strike

Israel denies hospital strike and claims it has evidence Islamic Jihads fired rockets

08:15 , Tom Watling

Israel military says no evidence of direct hit on Gaza hospital

08:07 , Tom Watling

Israel‘s military has said it has seen no evidence of a direct hit on a hospital in the Gaza Strip the day before, where hundreds of Palestinians were killed in an explosion.

A military spokesperson told journalists that there was no structural damage to buildings around the Al-Ahli al-Arabi hospital and no craters consistent with an air strike.

The spokesperson accused Hamas of inflating the number of casualties from the explosion and said it could not know as quickly as it claimed what caused the blast.

Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls Gaza, blamed the deadly blast on Israel. Israel says it was a result of a failed rocket launch by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another militant group in the enclave. The spokesperson added that some 450 rockets fired from Gaza have fallen short and landed inside the strip in the last 11 days.

Responsibility for hospital attack not clear, says UK minister

07:58 , Tom Watling

Tory minister Andrew Griffith said it remains unclear who was behind the “devastating” blast at a hospital in Gaza City.

The Treasury minister told Times Radio: “I’m not going to speculate or try and attribute. I don’t think any of us know at this particular point in time. We’ll work with allies to try and work out what happened.”

Protests erupt in Lebanon following hospital explosion in Gaza

07:55 , Tom Watling

Protests have erupted in the capital of Lebanon following a deadly explosion at a hospital in Gaza.

The unrest took place outside the US embassies, who issued a travel warning in the region overnight.

Lebanese protesters react to a hospital explosion in Gaza (AP)
Lebanese protesters react to a hospital explosion in Gaza (AP)

German chancellor calls for investigation into hospital explosion

07:44 , Tom Watling

German chancellor Olaf Scholz has said he is “horrified” by the explosion that killed hundreds of people overnight and called for an “imperative investigation”.

Speaking about the explosion at Al Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City, he said: “I am horrified by the images of the explosion in a hospital in Gaza. Innocent civilians were injured and killed. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims. A thorough investigation of the incident is imperative.”

Conflict in Gaza could inspire terrorist acts in the UK, says head of MI5

07:34 , Tom Watling

The conflict in Gaza could inspire terrorist acts in the UK, the head of MI5 Ken McCallum has said.

The intelligence chief told reporters: “There clearly is the possibility that profound events in the Middle East will either generate more volume of UK threat and/or changes in shape in terms of what is being targeted, in terms of how people are taking inspiration.

“Terrorists can draw inspiration not just from things they see happening inside the UK but things they see happening in the Middle East or on the continent or elsewhere. So we would be silly not to be paying very close attention, and we are.”

You can read the full story below.

Top UN official says fate of entire Middle East ‘hangs in the balance’

07:31 , Tom Watling

The United Nations has called for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East to “ease the epic human suffering”.

Antonio Guterres, the secretary general of the UN, said in a post on Wednesday morning that the destruction wrought on human life was proving catastrophic and that humanitarian aid into Gaza was essential.

“I call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East to ease the epic human suffering,” he wrote on X. “Too many lives - and the fate of the entire region - hang in the balance.”

He earlier wrote, following an explosion in Gaza City: “I am horrified by the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in a strike on a hospital in Gaza today, which I strongly condemn.

“My heart is with the families of the victims. Hospitals and medical personnel are protected under international humanitarian law.”

UK will ‘work to find out what happened’ in Gaza hospital blast, says Cleverly

07:25 , Tom Watling

Foreign secretary James Cleverly has said the UK and its allies will investigate the “devastating” destruction of a hospital in Gaza City.

At least 500 people have been killed after a huge blast struck the building, according to the Gaza health ministry, run by Hamas.

“The UK will work with our allies to find out what has happened and protect innocent civilians in Gaza,” he wrote.

Below are some photos of the aftermath of an overnight explosion in Gaza

07:23 , Tom Watling

Below are some photos from the aftermath of an explosion at the Al Ahli Arabi Baptist Hospital in Gaza City, in the north of the Strip.

Israel have blamed a misfired rocket by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, who have denied involvement; Hamas have blamed an Israeli airstrike.

Wounded Palestinians  pictured at the Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Wounded Palestinians pictured at the Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
The aftermath of an explosion that allegedly took place in the car park of Al Ahli Arabi Hospital (Mohammed al Masri/Reuters)
The aftermath of an explosion that allegedly took place in the car park of Al Ahli Arabi Hospital (Mohammed al Masri/Reuters)

In video: Gaza father pleads for food as supplies arrive at Egyptian border

07:19 , Namita Singh

Gaza father pleads for food as supplies arrive at Egyptian border

Intense Israeli bombardments strike Gaza as the war rages on

07:18 , Namita Singh

A massive explosion at a hospital in Gaza City killed hundreds of people Tuesday, Hamas said, after intensifying bombardments near towns in southern Gaza rattled civilians where Israel had ordered them to take refuge.

Hamas attributed the blast to an Israeli airstrike, but the Israeli military said it was not involved and the explosion was caused by a misfired Palestinian rocket.

Hamas’ military wing also said an Israeli airstrike on a refuge camp killed a top Hamas commander.

More details here:

Live updates | Intense Israeli bombardments strike Gaza as the war rages on

Russia calls on Israel to provide satellite imagery to absolve themselves of blame for hospital attack

07:16 , Tom Watling

Russia's foreign ministry has said that a strike on a hospital in Gaza that killed hundreds of Palestinians was a shockingly dehumanising crime and called on Israel to provide satellite imagery if it was not involved.

Palestinian officials said an Israeli air strike hit the hospital while Israel blamed the blast at Al-Ahli al-Arabi hospital on a failed rocket launch by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group, which denied responsibility.

“We qualify such a felonious deed as a crime - as an act of dehumanisation,” foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told Radio Sputnik.

Zakharova said that there was a clear attempt by some to absolve themselves of responsibility and that it was not enough to simply make comments in the media on such an incident so Israel and the United States should provide satellite imagery.

“Please be so kind as to provide satellite images, and it would be nice if American partners did it,” Zakharova said.

Russia, allies with Iran, have made no secret of their support for Hamas and, more strategically, their opposition to the US.

Iran foreign minister says ‘time is over’ for Israel

07:12 , Tom Watling

The Iranian foreign minister has issued a statement calling on those in opposition to Israel to unite and retaliate to the explosion that killed hundreds of civilian Palestinians sheltering in the Al-Ahli Arabi Baptist Hostpital overnight.

Writing in English, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said: “Time is over.”

Comment: Should we negotiate with terrorists?

06:48 , Namita Singh

As distressing videos of Hamas hostages circulate online, Sean O’Grady writes about the painful truth of dealing with militant fanatics.

Should we negotiate with terrorists? Never – with a single exception