Harper plays it cool while Ignatieff continues to badger for debate

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper this morning asking him to reconsider his decision about a one-on-one debate.

Earlier this week, it seemed both leaders had agreed to the debate after Harper suggested it casually during a press conference. Harper later said he's only interested in having one debate, whether it was with Ignatieff or all the party leaders.

In the letter, Ignatieff states the prime minister was the one who wanted the debate in the first place.

"You will recall that when you issued your challenge, I immediately responded, accepting it with enthusiasm," he wrote.

"As you stated, there are only two people who can be prime minister after May 2nd: you or me. Canadians truly deserve to see us go face-to-face in a contest of ideas, values and very different visions for our country. That is what democracy is all about," the letter stated.

The Liberal leader has sidetracked the campaign several times in the last few days baiting Harper to the accept the debate and he now says the location and time can be the prime minister's choice.

"I will meet you at the time and place of your choosing. There is no need for complicated or convoluted debate formats. Just two podiums — and you and me. A true, honest-to-goodness battle of ideas and visions," he wrote.

Harper for his part has been playing a straight and safe campaign, limiting reporters to five questions following announcements and rigidly scheduled photo-ops.

It might be in his interest to keep a low profile at this point in the campaign, since the latest poll shows the Tories edging toward a majority barely one week into the election.

(CP Photo)