Liberals to debate severing ties with the monarchy at upcoming convention

Federal Liberals will be debating the merits of our monarchy in Ottawa, next week, during their biennial convention.

A 'priority resolution' put forward by the youth wing of the party reads as follows: "BE IT RESLOVED that the Liberal Party of Canada, urge the Parliament of Canada to form an all part committee to study the implementation of instituting a Canadian head of state popularly elected and sever formal ties with the British Crown."

If the resolution is passed, it will become part of the party doctrine. A future Liberal government, however, isn't obligated to adopt the policy.

While the suggestion of severing ties with the monarchy isn't a new one, the Liberal resolution comes at a time when the Harper government is actually strengthening our ties to the royal family.

Last year, the government reintroduced the "royal" title back into the names of Canada's navy and air force and ordered portraits of the Queen to be given more prominence at Foreign Affairs headquarters.

Canada is also expending a great deal of money for the Queen's diamond jubilee celebration slated to take place later this year.

"I got to scratch my head," foreign affairs minister John Baird told CTV's Don Martin in response to news about the Liberal resolution.

"If the big priority is to reopen the constitution and try to get unanimity through protracted constitutional negotiations - I think that's the last thing Canadians want. And obviously, I strongly support the monarchy."

Liberal Resolution #114- Canadian identity in the 21st century:

"WHEREAS Canada is a multicultural nation, built by people from many diverse backgrounds and where at present no Canadian citizen can ever aspire to be head of state of our own country;

WHEREAS Canadians believe in earning one's position in life and not being simply born into privilege;

WHEREAS our head of state should be a true representative of the People of Canada;

WHEREAS Canada prides itself in being a democratic nation, with democratic institutions;

WHEREAS foreign law bars individuals not of the Anglican faith from rising to the position of head of state of Canada;

WHEREAS Canada's head of state should conform to Canadian laws of gender and religious equality represented in the Charter of Rights and Freedom;

WHEREAS Canadians pay more to maintain the monarchy than the British;

WHEREAS an unelected individual can and is prepared to supersede the will of the Parliament;

BE IT RESLOVED that the Liberal Party of Canada, urge the Parliament of Canada to form an all party committee to study the implementation of instituting a Canadian head of state popularly elected and sever formal ties with the British Crown."