Opposition MPs compare Stephen Harper to Richard Nixon

Stephen Harper and Richard Nixon

It seems everyday, in Question Period, there's a question or comment that catches everybody a little off guard.

Thursday's 'moment' came courtesy of Liberal MP Joyce Murray who — in her preamble to a query — compared Stephen Harper to Richard Nixon.

"U.S. President Nixon was forced to resign not because of the Watergate break-in but because of the denials and cover-up that followed. This prime minister is in exactly the same boat," the former Liberal leadership candidate said referring to the ongoing Senate expense scandal and the $90,000 gift from Nigel Wright to Sen. Mike Duffy.

"Mr. Speaker, the unethical behaviour of the senators and the chief of staff that he appointed is shameful.

"But the real issue is his role in the alleged bribery, corruption and cover-up with the RCMP now knocking on the door of the prime minister's office. Will the prime minister finally stop evading our questions and tell Canadians the truth?"

As you might imagine, the Tories didn't like that question.

The Prime Minister's Parliamentary secretary Paul Calandra stood up and delivered this curt response.

"Mr. Speaker let me just say this -- that member and that question is a complete disgrace and deserves no answer." he said.

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Interestingly, it wasn't the first time — on Thursday — that an MP compared Harper to Nixon.

NDP House Leader Nathan Cullen tweeted this earlier in the day.

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Just two days after Senators Mike Duffy, Patrick Brazeau and Pamela Wallin were suspended from the red chamber for claiming inappropriate expenses, the Senate scandal dominated Question Period in the House — yet again.

NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair continued to ask pointed questions: He asked Harper what he knew about $90,000 payment and about Duffy's allegations about the repayment plan being orchestrated by the PMO to get rid of a political headache.

The prime minister stuck to his talking points though, stating over and over — and over — again that Wright and Duffy were the responsible parties.

(Photo courtesy of the Canadian Press)

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