Sales of Justin Trudeau rolling papers going well

What do Bob Marley and Justin Trudeau have in common?

Well, as of last week, they both have rolling papers named after them.

Chris Goodwin, the manager of Vapor Central, has developed and packaged Justin Trudeau Zig-Zag rolling papers for sale on-line and at retail outlets in Southern Ontario.

For just $3.95, you too can own 100 slow-burning papers which come in a package donning an image of the Liberal leader smoking a cigarette.

In an interview with Yahoo Canada News, on Tuesday, Goodwin says sales have been "amazing."

"The first day we put them on our shelves...over $500 came in," he said.

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The idea for the new 'product' came from a February 10th Toronto Star report, which suggested that the Tories were musing about handing out rolling papers "screened with Trudeau’s face" at the national Liberal convention — later this week in Montreal — as a means to poke fun at Trudeau's policy to legalize marijuana.

To date, Goodwin hasn't heard from the Conservatives or the Liberals about his new venture.

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If you're not in to smoking any substances you can also buy a T-shirt for $24.95.

According to Goodwin, any profits he makes will go to the Liberal Party in the form of a campaign donation.

"I'm not partial to the Liberals necessarily," he said. "I just like their pot policy."

(Photo courtesy of the Vapor Central Facebook page)

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