Emma Stone’s boyfriend Andrew Garfield: Ryan Gosling is a ‘freaking dreamboat’

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, stars of the upcoming big-budget movie "The Amazing Spider-Man," have become one of today's hottest young couples. And while you would think that Garfield, 28, would be a little jealous of the (oh-so hunky) Ryan Gosling, 31, who plays Stone's boyfriend in both the upcoming crime drama "Gangster Squad" and last summer's "Crazy, Stupid, Love.," that's not the case. In a new interview with the couple in Teen Vogue, Garfield confesses that he's just as in love with the actor as the rest of us ... maybe even more! "That freaking dreamboat ... I think I'm more attracted to Ryan Gosling than any woman could ever be," Garfield kidded to the mag. "I think about him so often. I'm not joking!" In case there was any remaining doubt in your mind about his feelings, Garfield admits that, "I have a proper man crush." It all began when the two worked together briefly. "Years ago, we did a screen test together, and he was just so inspiring," Garfield says. "He reminded me of what I imagined [Al] Pacino and [Robert] De Niro were like back in the day, that kind of truthful, visceral, lived-in acting. I was like, That's what I want to follow."

For now, Stone, 23, says her guy is already pretty impressive to work alongside. Garfield was a big part of the reason she signed on for the role of Spider-Man's love interest in the movie, out July 3. "The idea of [the movie] was incredibly daunting. But I really liked the scenes that they sent me, and when I looked into the story of Gwen Stacy, which is epic and tragic and incredible, I loved it so much. Something was telling me that I needed to be her," Stone reveals. "And then I tested with him, and that sealed the deal. Because meeting Andrew, and working with Andrew — cover your ears, Andrew, earmuffs ... It was one of the greatest experiences I've ever had." She adds, "Really, the way he is as an actor is just completely different from anyone I've ever worked with. I never went to school for this, so getting to be a sponge off certain people is very vital to me."

Not to be outdone, Garfield was quick to rave about his gal. "It was like I woke up when she came in. She was the last person to screen-test, and I was so bored of it by then that I was mucking about — I'd been pretending I was Tom Hanks or Seth Rogen," he says. "And then she came in, and it was like diving into white-water rapids and having no desire to hang on to the side. Throughout shooting, it was wild and exciting. I couldn't help but try to stay with her, keep pace with her, and not let her get away."

Sounds like he hasn't yet!