Angry grouse attacks Canmore hikers, forces Alberta Parks to issue warning

[A sage grouse stands in a meadow / AP Photo/Cathleen Allison]

Hikers in Canmore, Alta., should be on the look out for a particularly frisky bird who is looking to pick a fight.

Alberta Parks has been forced to issue an official warning after several people have come face-to-face with an overly aggressive dusky grouse along the Montane Traverse hiking trail, reports the Calgary Sun.

The bird on several occasions has charged towards hikers, and his temper can be linked to something many adolescents can relate to - raging hormones.

Standing at half a metre tall, the angry male grouse is currently dealing with an extra-dose of testosterone as he looks to find a potential mate for the season. This has led the grouse to become extremely territorial, meaning both birds and humans better watch out while he’s on the hunt for a hot date.

Wildlife education specialist Andrea Barnes found out the hard way during a hike with friends what can happen if you decide to cross this particular bird’s path.

“It was totally a showdown, like something in a western movie,” she said.

The thought of a bullying bird may be funny to some, but once the grouse began charging toward Barnes she immediately picked up a stick to defend herself.

Her friends ran away screaming, but luckily Barnes kept her cool by slowly backing away until she too could make a hasty retreat from the grouse’s home turf.

“Grouse can nip and bite, and if they get airborne, they can use their feet to claw at you,” she said.