B.C. meteorologist Kristi Gordon shrieks at giant on-camera spider

Meteorologist Kristi Gordon shrieked when what appeared to be a giant spider appeared over her head on the projector screen. (Screengrab/YouTube)

The weather forecast for British Columbia this weekend was cloudy with a chance of spiders.

Meteorologist Kristi Gordon from Global BC television shrieked during her live forecast on Friday afternoon when what appeared to be a giant spider appeared over her head on the projector screen.

The spider had crawled onto a weather camera, according to the broadcaster. It wasn't in the room, but Gordon still dodged around the set trying to avoid the creature's image, laughing as she went.

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"No, I hate it! I can't stand it!" she said as she scurried off camera.

Global jokingly called the spider an "aspiring broadcaster."

Gordon tweeted later that she was trying to hide her terror during the broadcast.

Global pointed out that insects and arachnids have plagued the meteorologist on set before.

Last year, she gasped when a bug plunged toward her during a forecast. She laughed as producers behind the scene poked fun at her dodging maneuvers.

[ Related: Tough love: male spiders die for sex ]

It looks like B.C. bugs looking to take over television have chosen their most vulnerable target.