Deer falls from sky, smashes car carrying mom and her four children

Deer falls from sky, smashes car carrying mom and her four children

The sky is falling! Nope. Just a deer.

A woman was on Interstate 90 in Chicago with her four children when a deer seemed to fall from the sky and crash directly through her windshield, The Huffington Post reports.

Police say Heidi Conner was driving more than 70 mph when the deer either fell or jumped off a highway overpass and onto her vehicle.

“If it had been one inch to the left, it would have been dead centre. I wouldn’t have been able to control the car. And one inch to the right, it would have killed my son,” Conner said, fighting tears in an interview with CBS Chicago.

With the deer stuck in her dashboard, Conner swerved through three lanes of traffic and waited at the side of the road for assistance.

“Never in my life have I seen anything like this,” said Illinois Police State Trooper, Justin Novarro, after being told by witnesses that the deer came from the above overpass.

None of Conner’s children were injured in the freak accident and Conner was lucky to only sustain minor injuries as the deer landed on her shoulder.

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