Intern leaves shocking note for his employer

An intern left his bosses a not so pleasant post-it note.

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Internships can be a great opportunity to land a full-time job. But for one intern, the chances of getting hired are not looking too good right now.

Apparently, an intern left an angry note to his old boss at the bottom of some post-it notes. The boss found it in the workplace and later uploaded a photo of the message onto Reddit under the username Win_in_Roam.

The Reddit user commented on the photo saying: “We sent out our intern to buy sticky note. He’s not a very bright kid.”

The intern was absolutely fed up with his bosses and decided to take out his frustrations after he was instructed to buy post-it notes. He got his point across by leaving a nasty message in the stack of sticky notes.

On the last post-it note, the intern reveals that he’s been putting more than sugar and cream in the coffee that he delivered to his bosses everyday.

It read: “By the time you read this, I’ll be long gone from this s***hole. I hope you enjoyed bossing me around. I bet you felt real good about yourself. Well I wonder how you feel now knowing I spat in your coffee everyday.”

The shocking admission was written on the last sticky note in hopes that his superiors wouldn’t read it for awhile. But according to the Inquisitir, the intern was immediately fired “after making his sentiments known.”

Although, the intern has been let go since the incident, his message has been viewed more than 500,000 times.

It’s hard to say whether the intern went too far but he definitely left a memorable impression for his ex-boss.