Marco Rubio campaign ad about America opens with shot of Canada


It’s morning again in America - or is it?

A new television ad released by Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio’s campaign staff claims “It’s morning again in America” but appears to open with a shot of Vancouver, British Columbia.

It’s fast and subtle, but clear to anyone familliar with the waterfront city’s distinctive skyline and Harbour Centre Lookout Tower.

While some Republicans, specifically Donald Trump, wage a war of words on fellow White House candidate Ted Cruz for having been born in Canada, Rubio’s campaign told Buzzfeed the opening shot was not meant as a subtle jab.

“We hadn’t noticed that,” a Rubio spokesman told Buzzfeed. “We are not going to make Canada an issue in this election.”

The opening three seconds of the spot contain footage from Vancouver-based videographer Guy Chavasse. He told the CBC he works as a freelancer and posts stock photos and videos online for others to use.

“It’s pretty funny, isn’t it?” he said. “It’s a good-looking video, no doubt, but it’s pretty recognizable as Vancouver.”

Chavasse said he’s not a Rubio supporter, or any Republican contender, but, “It’s always cool to see your stuff being used.”