Monster on the move: Photo shows 'Nessie' hundreds of miles from Loch Ness

With less than a week until Scotland's independence vote, residents are giving the subject a good hard think.

And it looks as if one of Scotland's most famous residents needed to take a little vacation to mull it over, if a new photo is to be believed.

Famed mythical creature of Loch Ness, known fondly as 'Nessie,' was "spotted" by a photographer more than 150 miles from its usual watery home, all the way in the Lake District in England, if the pictures taken by an English woman are to be believed.

The Mirror reports that photographer Ellie Williams had set up her camera on a tripod in Windermere by a lake, hoping to get photos throughout the day of the changing fall colours.

What she says she saw when reviewing the photos, however, was this shot of Nessie.

The Huffington Post points out a couple of red flags on the veracity of this image:

1. It came out just after Scottish banks promised they would leave if Scotland became an independent country.

2. The photo was first shared by Autographer, the company who makes the camera that caught Nessie on the move:

3.The photo is incredibly clear, unlike every other photo of the Lock Ness monster ever.

4. Nessie is still, arguably, a mythical creature and there's no real proof it exists.

Still, Autographer is being cagey about the photo, and leaving us all to enjoy speculating and having fun with the photo.

"Initially we were excited, then skeptical, and then we started laughing," James Ebdon of Autographer told the Mirror. "Who knows what it is – maybe some kids messing about  whatever it is we will leave it to the experts."

All experts are invited to weigh in via the comments below.

(Photos courtesy REX/The Canadian Press)

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