Norwegian prime minister goes undercover as taxi driver

Norwegians riding in one particular taxi recently found their commute became a celebrity encounter.

Passengers whispered to each other, stared skeptically at the driver and burst out in surprise when they realized the man behind the wheel was Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

[ Related: Norway's prime minister goes undercover as taxi driver in election campaign stunt ]

The Associated Press reported the Norwegian Prime Minister disguised himself as a taxi driver as part of an election stunt. In a video posted to The Labour Party's website, Stoltenberg smiles broadly at his perplexed taxi customers as they slowly figure out who's driving.

"As Prime Minister it is important to listen to people's opinions," Stoltenberg says in the video, according to subtitles by the Daily Telegraph.

"And in taxis, people really say what they mean."

The video shows clips of people's reactions to having their country's leader drive them around and excerpts from citizens sharing their opinions about governance.

One man tells him he resembles Stoltenberg from behind, and another two women say his eyes really look like Stoltenberg.

"Yes, maybe it's just the eyes?" he responds

In one of the funniest responses, a man turns from the window smirking and speaks to the Prime Minister.

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"Have you started driving a taxi?" he says casually. "Part-time?"

Stoltenberg certainly isn't hoping to need a part-time job moonlighting as a taxi driver, as he's running again in the election set for Sept. 9.