Reporter’s bear safety advice becomes online entertainment

The province’s black bear population has jumped to 17,000 from about 12,000 eight years ago. One reason for the increase is the drop in bear hunting licences.

Rhode Island residents needn't fear after a recent bear sighting, because their local NBC station has all the tips to keep them safe. Insightful tips like throwing your shoes.

A report by Julie Tremmel at NBC 10 in Cranston, Rhode Island, is gaining fame online, for better or worse. Tremmel demonstrated how to react in the event of a bear encounter using exaggerated motions that might fit better in a vaudeville act than on a nightly newscast.

Her advice, if gleaned solely from her actions, might be construed something like this: avoid direct eye contact by darting your head side to side in a frantic motion, like a guilty suspect trying to avoid detection by the authorities.

Back away slowly and wiggle your arms, then if the bear attacks, throw your shoes at it. Lastly, curl up into a ball on the grass, then sign off as the camera shows you lying still on the ground, face down.

[ Related: Bear standing on hind legs breaks into car ]

Tremmel said her inspiration for the demonstration came from recent black bear sightings in Rhode Island because at least one resident who saw a bear in his yard said he had no idea what to do.

While throwing your shoes seems foolish for obvious, walking-related reasons, Parks Canada advises anyone who meets a bear not to drop any clothing, food or objects to distract the animal.

Don't drop your pic-a-nic basket for Yogi Bear either; Parks Canada says it's a bad idea to reward a bear if it's behaving aggressively.