Store owner seeks alleged thieves of Run for the Cure donation box

(Facebook/Mom's Country Market)

An unidentified man and woman appear to have stolen a donation box for the CIBC Run for the Cure in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia.

The store’s owner has turned to social media for help in catching the two thieves.

Rebecca Lambe posted a video on The Mom’s Country Market Facebook page on Monday, showing a man in a hat and sunglasses standing near the store’s counter with a woman.

The man appears to take the pink donation jar and passes it behind his back to the woman, who puts it inside her bag. The two then walk away from the counter.

“These two came into the store, and with no regret, took what we have raised so far,” Lambe wrote on Facebook.

Lambe says the incident occurred around 2:38 p.m on Sunday.

An employee messaged her at home asking her about the missing donation jar and whether she took it with her, The Chronicle Herald reports.

Lambe then watched the surveillance video, which allegedly revealed the two thieves taking the donation box.

“I know how fast something can grow. I’m desperate to find these people, to try to find out what [why] they would do something so cruel,” Lambe told CBC News.

Lambe wrote on the video caption that breast cancer has affected her family, it’s “a near and dear cause for [her].”

“It’s the fact that somebody stole from a charity. That really hurts,” Lambe told CBC News. “The fact is they stole it from people who really do need it.”

She started collecting donations for the charity about a month ago and customers would throw change into the sealed container, according to The Chronicle Herald.

The RCMP is investigating the incident but no arrests have been made so far, CBC News reports.

The alleged male suspect has a tattoo on his right wrist and the woman drove a black car, possibly a Hyundai Elentra, Lambe’s post reads.

As for Lambe, she’s planning on continuing to take donations online and is holding a 50/50 draw for the cause.