Walmart employees stomp and clap for company’s unofficial cheer

If you wish your boss would do quickly things like Michael Scott on 'The Office', maybe try working at Walmart. The only catch is you have to join in and not just give awkward stares to the camera.

This Walmart employee tried to put everyone into good spirits with a cheer that may have Freddie Mercury rolling over in his grave. The other employees less enthusiastically stomp and cheer along, but some are too busy filming with their phones.

Employees cheering at Walmart is nothing new. Founder Sam Walton wrote a company cheer decades ago after seeing workers at a Korean tennis ball factory do calisthenics together each morning.

"He liked the idea that he couldn't wait to get back home and try it again at Walmart," reads the company website.

While the official Walmart cheer, which is different from the one in the video, has been translated and adapted to work in eight other countries including Canada.