Chicago train becomes a rolling library

Chicago's 'L-Train' was transformed into a mobile library.

In Chicago, the ‘L’ Train could very well stand for ‘library.’

That’s because The Chicago Transit Authority’s ‘Books on the L’ program was a part of Chicago Ideas Week, which took place last week.

Train riders were encouraged to pick up a book while they commuted to and from their destinations. They were asked, however, to leave them behind for others to enjoy when they disembarked, reports Mentalfloss.

The books reportedly included titles by Michael Strahan, Scott Shane, Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, and Chicagoite Martine Rothblatt.

The idea initially took hold in the U.K. with Books on the Underground before making its way to the Big Apple with Books on the Subway, says

Books on the L’ first hit the Windy City in 2014.

Chicago Ideas Week celebrates innovation and local business, and comprises talks, intimate conversations and labs touching on a wide variety of topics.

Next year’s Ideas Week is scheduled for October 17 – 23, 2016.

No word on whether this kind of event could make its way onto Canadian transit.