Dude Perfect’s ‘world’s largest slingshot’

The trick-shot "dudes" from the app-development firm Dude Perfect recently built what they're calling "the world's largest slingshot" — "emphasis on 'shot,'" CBS News critiques — using a tree as the handle, firing basketballs across a field with fist-pumping accuracy.

"Bart Simpson is probably so jealous right now," G4tv's Moye Ishimoto writes.

"If the question is 'When is an appropriate time to build a giant slingshot?' the answer is always 'Yes'," writes Neatorama's John Farrier, pointing out the obvious fact that "if one is capable of building the world's largest slingshot, one should do so without delay."

It should be noted that Mythbusters built a human-sized slingshot. So Dude Perfect's, while impressive, probably isn't the world's largest after all.