Winnipeg’s Boon Burger Cafe turns frustrating prank into good deed

Buttons for Boon Burger Cafe, as seen on the company's Facebook page.

On Monday evening, someone ordered $200 worth of food from Winnipeg’s Boon Burger Cafe, Canada’s only vegan burger joint.

It was never picked up.

….so we got pranked tonight. Sadly we prepared $200 worth of food that was never picked up……we were unable to reach caller as the phone number was blocked,” the restaurant posted on Facebook.

Instead of letting the large food order go to waste, staff decided to offer it to those who’d appreciate it most.

“On the bright side, our awesome staff took the still warm food to downtown Winnipeg and offered it to cold and hungry Winnipeggers on this chilly night,” the restaurant wrote.

"People were very surprised," Tomas Sohlberg, co-owner of Boon Burger Cafe, told the Winnipeg Sun. “They thought there was a hidden camera somewhere.

"Our staff was in awe of the reception. It’s inspired us to do this again sometime because everybody benefited from it."

More than 5,900 people have “liked” Boon Burger Cafe’s Facebook post so far.

"Great way to turn a bad situation into a positive for the community! Another great reason why I love Boon Burger," wrote Facebook user Greg Lapienes.

The positive feedback by the community has inspired Boon Burger Cafe to start giving back even more.

“The response to this post has been incredible and we are inspired now to continue helping out even more,” the restaurant wrote. “We have awesome staff who really care about the community and the less fortunate and we believe this will be a great thing for everyone involved.”