World’s fastest mobility scooter races plane

Last year, Colin Furze broke a world record when he hit a speed of 71.59mph (just over 115 kph) on his custom mobility scooter.

Mobility scooters typically average at speeds of 6 to 13 kph.

Recently, to further challenge his speedy scooter, the 31-year-old plumber pitted the petrol-powered machine against a propeller plane.

Its acceleration speed surpassed expectations.

He spent three months fitting his scooter with a 125cc motorbike engine, five gears and twin exhausts.

"I decided to change the gear ratio to help the scooter accelerate faster and thought it would be fun to test out against a plane," he told Orange UK.

"I was worried about how it would perform but amazingly it accelerated away from the starting line quicker than the plane and left it behind."

When it came time to race, the mobility scooter accelerated faster than a Robin DR400 single-engine propeller aircraft. During each of the 20 runs, the plane would gain on the scooter as it started to take off.

"The scooter did incredibly well on the runway. It was a bit twitchy when I was going at high speed and quite uncontrollable, but I managed not to crash," Furze said.