Zookeeper Alexander Pylyshenko staying in lions’ cage for five weeks

A Ukrainian zookeeper is heading into the lion's den.

This modern-day Daniel is hoping to generate funds for a private zoo and raise awareness for the plight of animals in Ukrainian zoos by living in a cage with two lions, named Samson and Katya, for five weeks.

He's live-streaming his experience via webcam to draw public attention to the lack of funding available to private zoos in the Ukraine.

Alexander Pylyshenko, 40, entered the lions' enclosure this past Tuesday. During his 25-day stay, he'll paint pictures of the lions, which he'll sell to raise funds to improve the lions' living conditions. His painting will be interrupted when he helps a lionesses give birth.

Pylyshenko's zoo is situated in his yard in the Ukrainian city of Vasi­lyevka.

"I hope that my attitude and the optimism with which I approach this project will be understood by people," he said in a statement on the zoo's website.

He'll leave the bare enclosure to take showers and use a toilet, making sure he avoids scented soaps as lions are sensitive to strong fragrances. Unconcerned for his safety, he plans to spend each night sleeping inside the cage on a wooden platform.

(Photo: Gleb Garanich/Reuters)