Jim Carrey’s crush on Emma Stone is mutual

These days it's probably easier to ask who doesn't have a crush on Emma Stone than to ask who does. So although some people were a little concerned when Jim Carrey, 49 at the time, confessed his love for 23-year-old Stone on YouTube last year, nobody was especially surprised.

What is surprising is that the actress has now told New York Magazine that she's equally as enamoured!

In a self-made video released in August 2011, Carrey announced his deep, passionate love for Stone and desire to have "chubby, freckle-faced children" with her -- if only he were an appropriate age for the young actress. A master of the straight face, Carrey's admiration came off a little too ardently for some viewers.

However, Stone was apparently flattered.

A few days before the video came out, Stone recalled, she gabbed with several others at the MTV Movie Awards (including the evening's host, Jason Sudeikis) about the Canadian comic genius that is Carrey (probably referring to his legacy of outlandish award acceptance speeches).

"Have you ever done that?" she asked her interviewer. "Just all sat around a table saying nice things about one person? It was the greatest thing. You walk away, and you were just like, 'That felt so good, to talk about how wonderful someone is.'"

Hollywood has a long, long history of couples decades apart in age, so maybe Carrey's hang-ups aren't such a big deal after all. And maybe Stone's current beau, "The Amazing Spider-Man" co-star Andrew Garfield, better keep his "spidey-sense" up.

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